Justene Williams

I Am Your Recep­tor / You Are My Transmitter

7th June – 20th July 2024
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

Cho­sen by a Cat

5th April – 1st June 2024
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son

Bloom, 2024

22nd – 25th February 2024
Melbourne Art Fair

Jen­ny Watson

Take Five

17th February – 28th March 2024
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Oliv­er Beer, Angela de la Cruz, Emi­ly Floyd, Jan Nel­son, Rose Nolan, Chi­haru Shio­ta, David Noo­nan, Taryn Simon


17th February – 30th April 2024
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


28th September – 16th December 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Amri­ta Hepi

Straight torque, twin series 

19th August – 23rd September 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Louisa Bufarde­ci

hold­ing sev­er­al threads at once, fig­ur­ing a future together

5th August – 16th September 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son


6th July – 12th August 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram

Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023

3rd June – 29th July 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Su san Cohn

Pieces of Peace

20th May – 24th June 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kathy Temin

Wall Works

21st April – 27th May 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

Work­ing Models

18th March – 15th April 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Cal­lum Morton

Inside Out

11th February – 15th April 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel von Sturmer


15th October – 17th December 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

John Nixon

White Paint­ings

13th August – 17th September 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Angel­i­ca Mesiti

Future Per­fect Continuous

30th July – 8th October 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Chi­haru Shiota

State of Being

25th June – 23rd July 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jen­ny Watson

Hors­es, Hol­ly­wood Love and Sleep

21st May – 11th June 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Lau­ren Brincat

women with fringes etc.

14th May – 18th June 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

War­wick Thornton

PHO­TO 2022: Meth Kelly

29th April – 14th May 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


1st February – 2nd April 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Alber­ta Whit­tle, Cyprien Gail­lard, Haris Epaminon­da, Hiwa K, James Nguyen & Vic­to­ria Pham, Sarah Mor­ris, Yael Bartana

Periph­er­al Vision

1st February – 7th May 2022
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

Par­lour Games

30th October – 18th December 2021
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mar­co Fusinato


7th August – 18th December 2021
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr

Half Way House

1st May – 31st July 2021
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Vivi­enne Shark LeWitt

The Wind Blows Where It Will

13th March – 17th April 2021
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Simon Fuji­wara


18th February – 6th March 2021
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Shaun Glad­well

Homo Sub­ur­bi­en­sis

6th February – 24th April 2021
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram

18th November – 19th December 2020
Anna Schwartz Gallery

John Nixon

Groups + Pairs 2016 – 2020

21st March – 19th December 2020
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mikala Dwyer

Earth­craft 2020

8th February – 14th March 2020
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Nev­er the same river

5th October – 21st December 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

David Noo­nan


27th August – 28th September 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

Anti-total­i­tar­i­an Vectors

13th July – 17th August 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mar­co Fusinato


6th June – 6th July 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Taryn Simon


2nd April – 1st June 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel von Sturmer


2nd February – 23rd March 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel von Sturmer

Elec­tric Light (facts/​figures/​anna schwartz gallery upstairs)

2nd February – 2nd March 2019
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


6th October – 21st December 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kathy Temin

White Gar­den Inter­ven­tion (ASG)

28th August – 29th September 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

A Sin­gu­lar Impulse

28th August – 29th September 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Chi­haru Shiota

New Works

1st – 12th August 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel Buren

Like Child’s Play

7th July – 24th August 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

John Nixon

EPW: Select­ed Paintings

5th July – 18th August 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Gabriel­la Mangano & Sil­vana Mangano

Tomor­row and Tomorrow

2nd – 30th June 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel Crooks

High Street (After Ruscha)

5th May – 2nd June 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jan Nel­son

Black Riv­er Running

27th April – 26th May 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Oliv­er Beer

Impos­si­ble Composition

24th March – 21st April 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jen­ny Watson

Def­i­n­i­tions: Vel­vet + Text

24th March – 21st April 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Can­dice Breitz

I’m Your Man (A Por­trait of Leonard Cohen)

30th January – 3rd March 2018
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Joseph Kosuth

A Short His­to­ry of My Thought’

7th October – 25th November 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mar­co Fusinato

Mass Black Implosion

24th August – 30th September 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Su san Cohn

Bor­ing, very boring

12th August – 2nd September 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


7th July – 19th August 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Louisa Bufarde­ci

The Calls

27th May – 13th June 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Angel­i­ca Mesiti

Tossed by Waves

25th May – 1st July 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

Ice­landic Puffins

8th April – 13th May 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel Crooks


11th February – 1st April 2017
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Chi­haru Shiota

Absent Bod­ies

7th October – 17th December 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

John Nixon

Yel­low Mono­chrome (Japan)

1st – 24th September 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jes­si­ca Rankin

Field of Mars

28th July – 27th August 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel von Sturmer

Elec­tric Light

30th June – 23rd July 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram

7th May – 18th June 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kim Guang Nan

The Future is Bright

20th April – 21st May 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Cal­lum Morton


3rd March – 23rd April 2016
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr

Dark Cave

20th November – 19th December 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Shaun Glad­well

The Inspec­tor of Tides

30th October – 19th December 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Louisa Bufarde­ci

The Sea Between A and I

17th October – 14th November 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

Immod­est Ges­tures & Irra­tional Thoughts

7th October – 14th November 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mar­co Fusinato

The Infini­tives

4th September – 17th October 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Su san Cohn

UNcom­mon moments

27th August – 3rd October 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

War­wick Thornton

The Future is Unforgiving

17th July – 22nd August 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr

Deep North

27th June – 29th August 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Emi­ly Floyd

Field Libraries

5th June – 11th July 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jen­ny Watson


23rd April – 30th May 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Angel­i­ca Mesiti

The Colour of Saying

18th April – 13th June 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Kate Mitchell

In Time

26th March – 18th April 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Shane Cot­ton

Oblique Nar­ra­tives

20th February – 4th April 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

John Nixon

EPW: Var­i­ous Paintings

5th February – 21st March 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Nina Beier, Simon Den­ny, Mar­lie Mul

Cold Inti­ma­cy

15th November – 20th December 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Daniel von Sturmer

These Con­structs

13th November – 20th December 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kathy Temin

Pet Ceme­tery

2nd October – 8th November 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Ker­rie Poli­ness, Rose Nolan, Stephen Bram

Poli­ness, Nolan, Bram

20th September – 1st November 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Daniel Crooks

Truths Unveiled by Time

13th August – 27th September 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

John Steza­k­er


26th July – 6th September 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Stieg Pers­son

The Frag­o­nard Room

3rd July – 9th August 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Gabriel­la Mangano & Sil­vana Mangano

Of Objects or Sound

31st May – 19th July 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Cal­lum Morton

Neigh­bour­hood Watch

1st May – 28th June 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram

4th – 26th April 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Erwin Wurm

Crap Head

22nd February – 17th May 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Mikala Dwyer


7th February – 29th March 2014
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Shaun Glad­well

Morn­ing of the Earth

21st November – 21st December 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr

East­er Island

16th November – 21st December 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Mar­co Fusinato

Mass Black Implo­sion (Trea­tise, Cor­nelius Cardew)

9th October – 16th November 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Heman Chong, Lau­rent Gras­so, Susan Jacobs, Jesse Jones, Jane and Louise Wil­son, Ming Wong, Haegue Yang

You promised me, and you said a lie to me

5th October – 9th November 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Jan Nel­son

Strange Days

31st August – 5th October 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Can­dice Breitz

Work­ing Class Hero (A Por­trait of John Lennon)

27th July – 28th September 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

John Nixon


11th July – 24th August 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

Per­for­mance Architecture

16th May – 6th July 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Brook Andrew, Daniel Boyd, Gor­don Ben­nett, Michael Cook, Des­tiny Dea­con, Ricar­do Ida­gi, Danie Mel­lor, Tracey Mof­fatt, Dar­ren Siwes, Chris­t­ian Thomp­son, War­wick Thorn­ton, Nawu­ra­pu Wunung­mur­ra, R E A

Debil Debil

20th April – 6th July 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Lau­ren Brincat

It’s Not the End of the World

21st March – 11th May 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery



16th February – 13th April 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Dale Frank

Date Cus­tard Tart

7th February – 15th March 2013
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Peter Tyn­dall


21st November – 15th December 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Daniel von Sturmer

small world

25th October – 15th December 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

New Graph­ic Sculpture

6th October – 10th November 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Cal­lum Morton


30th August – 20th October 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel Crooks


22nd August – 29th September 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Kathy Temin

Memo­r­i­al Gardens

19th – 25th August 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Yin­ka Shon­i­bare, CBE

Inva­sion, Escape: Aliens do it right!

27th June – 11th August 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Ben­jamin Arm­strong, Stephen Bram, Janet Burchill & Jen­nifer McCam­ley, Angela de la Cruz, Mikala Dwyer, Clement Mead­more, Mike Parr

In abstrac­tion, the body

28th April – 16th June 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Lau­ren Brincat

Shoot From the Hip

28th March – 21st April 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Jen­ny Watson


22nd March – 5th May 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mar­co Fusinato


11th February – 17th March 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Angela de la Cruz


4th February – 17th March 2012
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Gabriel­la Mangano & Sil­vana Mangano

Shapes for Open Spaces

11th November – 17th December 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Shaun Glad­well

Rid­ing with Death: Redux

28th October – 17th December 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

John Nixon

EPW: Sil­ver

28th September – 5th November 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr

The Gold­en Age

27th August – 22nd October 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Mikala Dwyer

The Sil­ver­ing

17th July – 13th August 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Charles Avery, Shezad Dawood, Alex Hoda, Ian Mon­roe, Heather & Ivan Mori­son, Katie Pater­son, Jamie Shovlin

AS THE WORLD TURNS: New Art from London

25th June – 20th August 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Jan Nel­son


3rd June – 2nd July 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

An Open Space

29th April – 28th May 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kate Mitchell, San­né Mestrom, Lare­sa Kosloff, Lau­ren Brin­cat, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Joshua Peth­er­ick, Stu­art Ringholt

Social Sculp­ture

2nd April – 18th June 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Antony Gorm­ley


17th March – 23rd April 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Bren­dan van Hek

Some Kind of Love Story

10th February – 26th March 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Dale Frank


3rd February – 12th March 2011
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son


18th November – 18th December 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery


The Feast of Trimalchio

7th October – 13th November 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel von Sturmer

The Cin­e­ma Complex

2nd October – 18th December 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Mar­co Fusinato

Noise & Capitalism

2nd September – 2nd October 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Shane Cot­ton

Smashed Myth

21st August – 25th September 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks


29th July – 28th August 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Vivi­enne Shark LeWitt

Mas­sa Pec­ca­ti: The Sev­en Dead­ly Sins

27th July – 14th August 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr

The Hal­lelu­jah Chorus

24th June – 24th July 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Antony Gorm­ley

Fir­ma­ment IV

7th May – 3rd July 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

John Young

Safe­ty Zone

15th April – 22nd May 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Joseph Kosuth

An Inter­pre­ta­tion of This Title’ Niet­zsche, Dar­win and the Para­dox of Content

13th February – 10th April 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Ruins: Sto­ries of Awakenings

4th February – 10th April 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son

Works On Paper

19th November – 19th December 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Cal­lum Morton


8th October – 7th November 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Gabriel­la Mangano & Sil­vana Mangano

In the Still­ness of Shadows

3rd October – 19th December 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Kathy Temin

My Mon­u­ment, Black Cube

3rd September – 3rd October 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

The Fer­tile Void

14th August – 26th September 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Tom Nichol­son, Jen­ny Wat­son, Mut­lu Çerkez, Peter Tyn­dall, Mar­co Fusina­to, Ian Whit­tle­sea, Mike Parr, Emi­ly Floyd, Janet Burchill & Jen­nifer McCam­ley, Rose Nolan, Grant Stevens


4th July – 8th August 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Mar­co Fusinato

Dou­ble Infinitives

25th June – 25th July 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

Anoth­er Home­work Experiment

14th May – 20th June 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Bren­dan van Hek, Lau­ren Brin­cat, Matthew Griffin


8th May – 27th June 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

John Nixon

EPW: Poly­chrome Applied Painting

16th April – 9th May 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Robert Klip­pel

Bronze Sculp­tures

4th April – 5th February 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Dale Frank

The Big Black Bubble

12th March – 11th April 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Yin Xiuzhen

14th February – 26th March 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Jen­ny Watson

5th February – 7th March 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel Crooks


27th November – 20th December 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son

Old Europe

19th November – 28th December 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Pat­ti Smith

Pho­tog­ra­phy & Installation

9th – 25th October 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Joseph Kosuth, Lau­rie Ander­son, Janet Burchill & Jen­nifer McCam­ley, Tracey Emin, Brook Andrew, Pierre Huyghe, Lori Hersberger


30th August – 25th October 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Shaun Glad­well

Dou­ble Voyage

14th August – 6th September 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mikala Dwyer

Swamp Geom­e­try

10th July – 9th August 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


17th June – 16th August 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks

Daniel von Sturmer

Tableaux Plas­tique

13th April – 3rd May 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Su san Cohn

sec­ond thoughts

7th March – 5th April 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

Tem­ple of the Female Eunuch

6th February – 1st March 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Antony Gorm­ley


30th November – 21st December 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jan Nel­son

In The Pines

1st – 24th November 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Ernesto Neto


11th October – 27th June 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Ker­rie Poliness

Blue Wall Drawing

3rd August – 1st September 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Louisa Bufarde­ci

every sec­ond is like, for­ev­er, and every year is like 11.3 centimetres

28th June – 28th July 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Peter Tyn­dall

pro­jec­tion-space [When Space­Can­vas is asked to repaint itself…]

11th May – 23rd June 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


30th March – 5th May 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Robert Hunter

24th February – 31st July 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Robert Jacks

15th February – 10th March 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mar­co Fusinato


29th November – 22nd December 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son

His­to­ry Painting

1st – 25th November 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

New Ways of Thinking

2nd – 28th October 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


1st – 26th August 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

John Nixon

EPW: Sil­ver

1st – 24th June 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jen­ny Watson

Works made in Sri Lanka

4th – 27th May 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram

29th March – 29th April 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Starter Pis­tols

8th March – 1st April 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Cal­lum Morton

Mini Mon­u­ments

15th February – 18th March 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Fiona Tan

Saint Sebas­t­ian

8th – 22nd October 2005
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Daniel von Sturmer

Into a Vac­u­um of Future Events

3rd September – 1st October 2005
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Emi­ly Floyd

A Strat­e­gy to infil­trate the homes of the bourgeoisie

5th – 27th August 2005
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

Extra Home­work

8th – 30th July 2005
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


1st June – 2nd July 2005
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Angela de la Cruz


1st February – 5th March 2005
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mut­lu Çerkez

Var­i­ous Responses

21st October – 20th November 2004
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Clement Mead­more

New Sculp­tures

7th September – 16th October 2004
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mikala Dwyer

Flow­ers, Flies and Some­one Else

11th June – 3rd July 2004
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram


15th April – 8th May 2004
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son

The Fall

5th – 27th March 2004
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jan Nel­son

Walk­ing in Tall Grass

4th – 20th December 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Vivi­enne Shark LeWitt


4th September – 4th October 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Dale Frank

New Paint­ings

2nd – 30th August 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mut­lu Çerkez


1st – 24th May 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kathy Temin

Audi­tions for a pair of koalas

3rd – 26th April 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jen­ny Watson

Made In Perth

5th – 29th March 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


1st February – 1st March 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Angela de la Cruz

24th October – 16th November 2002
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Cal­lum Morton

Gas and Fuel

27th September – 19th October 2002
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Kathy Temin

Frozen Moments

19th – 28th March 2002
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Rose Nolan

More Rose Nolan

7th – 28th March 2002
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Cold Stor­age (ware­hous­ing asy­lum seekers)

1st – 24th November 2001
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mike Parr


24th August – 29th September 2001
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Mut­lu Çerkez

30th May – 7th July 2001
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Jen­ny Watson

7th – 15th February 2001
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stephen Bram

1st February – 10th March 2001
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Dale Frank

Star­ship Troop­ers & Lost Bag­gage Handlers

1st – 30th April 2000
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Clement Mead­more

1st – 26th February 2000
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Maria Koz­ic

Cal­en­dar Girl

1st – 22nd December 1999
Anna Schwartz Gallery