Ker­rie Poliness
Blue Wall Drawing

3rd August – 1st September 2007
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Blue Wall Draw­ing #1 is to be drawn by its own­er direct­ly onto the wall using the instruc­tion book. It can be made by any­one on any wall. As with my pre­vi­ous works, this draw­ing changes in size accord­ing to the size of the wall how­ev­er unlike those works the over­all shape of the draw­ing also alters, it sits hor­i­zon­tal­ly on the wall and expands and con­tracts accord­ing to its length.

The draw­ing will man­i­fest dif­fer­ent­ly each time it is pro­duced because the instruc­tions require that the mak­ers of the work guess rather than mea­sure the loca­tion of points cru­cial to the final result which will always be vis­i­bly unique. The process of mak­ing the draw­ing illus­trates asym­met­ri­cal devel­op­ment. All objects are in real­i­ty dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed and asym­met­ri­cal. These dif­fer­ences are often very small and hid­den: in mass pro­duced items the dif­fer­ences may be micro­scop­ic. With these draw­ings the inten­tion is to make the dif­fer­ences large and vis­i­ble, to give them a phys­i­cal pres­ence. The devel­op­ment of the draw­ing is anal­o­gous to the for­ma­tion of crys­talline struc­tures. The dif­fer­ing out­comes occur for the rea­son that snowflakes are always unique: the nature of nature is such that a small shift with­in very tight para­me­ters caus­es a unique outcome.

The instruc­tion book guides the cre­ation of an object, via a geo­met­ri­cal design, that embraces rather than hides the asym­met­ri­cal nature of things. The wall draw­ing illus­trates the dynam­ics, the dance, that hap­pens when the inher­ent asym­me­try of objects meets the appar­ent sym­me­try of forces — a process of devel­op­ment com­mon and essen­tial to the for­ma­tion of all things.

Ker­rie Poli­ness, 2007


Ker­rie Poliness

Blue Wall Draw­ing #1, 2007
dimen­sions variable

Ker­rie Poliness

Blue Wall Draw­ing #1, Oval Mir­ror #1, 2007
Hand-cut mir­ror glass
5035 cm

Ker­rie Poliness

Blue Wall Draw­ing #1 instruc­tion book, 2007
Hand-made book
31222.5 cm

Ker­rie Poliness

Blue Print #1, 2007
Blue pig­ment ink on cot­ton-rag paper (framed)
5575 cm