Mike Parr
1st – 26th August 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery
.….The sculptures are “generic” heads but they also carry traces of the Self Portrait Project, because I modelled each head by posing a long-time model of mine and by combining his portrait with a mirror reflection of my own head, so the conflated image is really one of my “cross-over self portraits”.
The first LCD screen shows a sequence of words which have been rendered to DVD. It is one of my dictionary pieces where the synonym for the word “synonymous” is followed by the synonym of the synonym… for 80 words. Each word is centred and replaced by the next according to a fixed metronomic beat. Remarkably the final word in this objective dictionary process is the word “dead”. The work is called Blind Obedience.
The second screen shows the same sequence, but numbers replace the letters of each word [I have simply numbered the letters of the alphabet in order and transposed them]. This version is called Silent Majority. The title of the 14 aluminium sculptures is No Theory Please We’re White Supremacists.
Expressionism, tautology, whiteness are the prevailing conceptual axii of the piece. The “gap” between the two sites is fundamentally important and I think of it as a kind of “unthought” or provocation. The language and number schemes defining identity into a kind of nothingness on one hand and on the other, the insubordination of the racist head and the whiteness that sanctifies its monstrosity.
- excerpt from letter from Mike Parr, June 2006

Mike Parr
No Theory Please We’re White Supremacists, 2005
Cast aluminium, enamel paint
Each approximately 250 x 17 x 25 cm