Louisa Bufardeci
Starter Pistols
8th March – 1st April 2006
Anna Schwartz Gallery
Starter Pistols is an exhibition of six bargello needleworks. The design of each needlework illustrates soundwaves associated with various anti-personnel weapons. Each soundwave is a mere one one-hundredth of a second in length and captures the split-second a weapon is discharged. One of the designs is based on the sound of the Browning 1910 handgun used by Gavrilo Princip to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 and the others are all similarly trigger points in history.
Needlework has historic traditions almost as long as war and definitely longer than modern weaponry. The laborious, time-consuming process was not chosen purely for its incongruity with the violent theme, but because its manic repetition serves as a reminder of the repetitious presence of violence and war throughout history. While the colours employed are the typical muted greens, browns and greys associated with warfare attire, the tight framing is reminiscent of the rigid framing of any representation of war.

Louisa Bufardeci
1914/06/28 10:15:53:11 — 1914/06/28 10:15:53:12 Sarajevo, 2005
Bargello needlework
15 x 81 cm
Louisa Bufardeci
1917/10/25 21:45:49:26 — 1917/10/25 21:45:49:27 Petrograd, 2005
Bargello needlework
15 x 81 cm

Louisa Bufardeci
1919/01/21 12:39:31:03 — 1919/01/21 12:39:31:04 Soloheadbeg, 2005
Baregello needlework
15 x 81 cm

Louisa Bufardeci
1945/08/06 08:16:25:81 — 1945/08/06 08:16:25:82 Hiroshima, 2005
Bargello needlework
15 x 81 cm

Louisa Bufardeci
1994/04/06 12:38:26:64 — 1994/04/06 12:38:26:65 Kigali, 2005
Bargello needlework
15 x 81 cm
Louisa Bufardeci
1968/04/04 18:01:42:79 — 1968/04/04 18:01:42:80 Memphis, 2005
Bargello needlework
15 x 81 cm