Louisa Bufarde­ci


Born Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia 1969 
Lives and works in Melbourne

Louisa Bufarde­ci is a Mel­bourne-based artist, researcher and edu­ca­tor with over twen­ty years of pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence. Her art prac­tice draws on and ques­tions forms of rep­re­sen­ta­tion such as map­ping, data and sta­tis­tics when they are used as tools of look­ing and know­ing to rep­re­sent human expe­ri­ence. She uses a wide range of media includ­ing instal­la­tion, dig­i­tal prints, needle­points, neon lights, draw­ing and more. She has been work­ing with string fig­ur­ing for the last five years.

Bufarde­ci has par­tic­i­pat­ed in major inter­na­tion­al exhi­bi­tions includ­ing the NGV Tri­en­ni­al in 2018, the Asia-Pacif­ic Tri­en­ni­al in 2012, and the Asian Art Bien­ni­al in 2009. Her work has been includ­ed in numer­ous solo and group exhi­bi­tions in Mel­bourne, oth­er Aus­tralian cities and over­seas. It is in the col­lec­tions of major muse­ums and gal­leries in Aus­tralia includ­ing the Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria and the Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art in Syd­ney. As well as work­ing on the pro­duc­tion of art projects, Bufarde­ci con­tributes to the local art com­mu­ni­ty by teach­ing at var­i­ous local insti­tu­tions, vol­un­teer­ing as a guide to con­tem­po­rary art at her local com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre, and by men­tor­ing young artists. She is cur­rent­ly tutor­ing in the Crit­i­cal and The­o­ret­i­cal Stud­ies pro­gram at the Vic­to­ri­an Col­lege of the Arts.



Available Works

Louisa Bufarde­ci

hold­ing sev­er­al threads at once, fig­ur­ing a future together, 2023
Waist band elas­tic, gallery walls, sound Variable

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Look­ing in to the land attached 1, 2020
wool and linen

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Look­ing in to the land attached 2, 2020
wool and linen

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Sweep­ing One and the Oth­er Away, 2019
LED display
20200 cm
22 hours 20 minutes

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Eh! (Viet­namese), 2017
wool, cotton
8080 cm

Louisa Bufarde­ci

O aalai! (Dari), 2017
wool, cotton
8080 cm

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Machang! (Sin­halese), 2017
wool, cotton
6060 cm

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Hoi! (Dari), 2017
wool, cotton
4040 cm

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Hey!, 2017
wool, cotton
8080 cm

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Flag for the Fourth Dimension, 2011
seer­suck­er fab­ric, met­al press studs
dimen­sions variable

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Flag for the Fourth Dimen­sion [4], 2011
seer­suck­er fab­ric, met­al press studs
dimen­sions variable

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Flag for the Fourth Dimen­sion [3], 2011
seer­suck­er fab­ric, met­al press studs
Dimen­sions variable

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Flag for the Fourth Dimen­sion [1], 2011
seer­suck­er fab­ric, met­al press studs
Dimen­sions variable

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Yes and No, 2009
cot­ton thread on stretched linen
dip­tych: 8080 cm (each)

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Recent plans for the equal dis­tri­b­u­tion of inter­net suppliers, 2008
dig­i­tal print
9090 cm
Edi­tion of 5

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Recent plans for the equal dis­tri­b­u­tion of lit­er­ate people, 2008
framed dig­i­tal print
edi­tion of 5

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Recent plans for the equal dis­tri­b­u­tion of peo­ple liv­ing with HIV/AIDS, 2008
framed dig­i­tal print
edi­tion of 5

Louisa Bufarde­ci

Before the war, 2006
bargel­lo wool needlepoint
1759 cm


Lau­ren Brin­cat, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Daniel Crooks, Tar­raWar­ra Bien­ni­al 2021: Slow Mov­ing Waters’

Lau­ren Brin­cat, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Daniel Crooks have each been com­mis­sioned to cre­ate new work […]

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Emi­ly Floyd, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Su san Cohn, We Change the World’ The Ian Pot­ter Cen­tre: NGV Aus­tralia, Lev­el 3

Works by Emi­ly Floyd, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Su san Cohn will be on dis­play as […]

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