Jen­ny Watson


Born in Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia 1951

Lives and works in Brisbane

Jen­ny Wat­son is known for can­did works that doc­u­ment her life and dreams. Her paint­ings reflect a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on women’s expe­ri­ence by depict­ing female fig­ures on fab­rics select­ed for their cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance, geo­graph­ic ori­gins and indi­vid­ual histories.

Over the past thir­ty years Wat­son has explored the inte­ri­or life with a per­son­al iconog­ra­phy. Through her paint­ings we are offered a lex­i­con of hors­es, pets, friends, found phras­es and every­day ephemera, togeth­er build­ing sub­jec­tive rep­re­sen­ta­tions of the artist. Each work can be read as a con­junc­tion of its tex­tu­al and visu­al motifs, togeth­er with its title, but also in ref­er­ence to her pre­ced­ing body of work. The inter­re­la­tion of these dif­fer­ent ele­ments in Watson’s work is not arbi­trary. Rather, they are con­nect­ed, as dif­fer­ent ele­ments in our lives are, at times strong­ly inter-relat­ed yet at oth­er times fleet­ing or fragmentary.

Exhi­bi­tions include: Jen­ny Wat­son: The Fab­ric of Fan­ta­sy, Hei­de Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, Mel­bourne; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art Aus­tralia, Syd­ney (2017); Paint­ing, More Paint­ing – Chap­ter 2, Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Mel­bourne (2016); Shut Up and Paint’, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne (2016); Chron­i­cles’, Queens­land Col­lege of Art, Bris­bane (2016); Beyond the Tow­er: UQ Art Muse­um – 40 Years and Count­ing’, Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land Art Muse­um, Bris­bane (2016); Rad­i­cal Roman­ti­cism’, Crane Arts, Philadel­phia (2015); Pop to Pop­ism’, Art Gallery of New South Wales (2014); Gar­den of Eden & Child’s Play’, Galerie Tran­sit, Bel­gium (2014); Soli­taire’, Tar­rawar­ra Muse­um of Art, Healesville, Vic­to­ria (2014); Basil Sell­ers Art Prize 4’, Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne (2014); Mix Tape 1980s: Appro­pri­a­tion, Sub­cul­ture, Crit­i­cal Style’, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne (2013); Con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralia: Women’, Queens­land Art Gallery | Gallery of Mod­ern Art, Bris­bane (2012); Jen­ny Wat­son: here, there and every­where’, Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne (2012); Tomio Koya­ma Gallery’, Shibuya, Japan (2012); Mate­r­i­al Evi­dence’, Kun­stvere­in Rosen­heim, Ger­many (2009); and Paint­ings with Veils and False Tails’, Aus­tralian Pavil­lion, Venice Bien­nale (1993).

Pub­lic col­lec­tions include the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney; Art Gallery of West­ern Aus­tralia, Perth; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Syd­ney; Ghent Muse­um, Bel­gium; and Monash Uni­ver­si­ty, Melbourne.



Available Works

Jen­ny Watson

Cor­ner of Broad­way and Prince Street New York 1991, 2022
Acrylic and Japan­ese pig­ment on rab­bit skin glue primed Bel­gian linen with fab­ric collage
216cm x 156cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Jen­ny Watson

The First Rid­ing Lesson, 2021
acrylic and ges­so on rab­bit skin glue primed Bel­gian linen
183274 cm

Jen­ny Watson

A Horse in Chocolate, 2020
oil, acrylic, pig­ment and col­lage on rab­bit skin glue-primed on Bel­gian linen
210182 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Feed, 2019
acrylic on Ital­ian damask
140107 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Moon, Sophie + Me, 2013
acrylic, oil, oil­stick, pig­ment, pom poms on Japan­ese ges­so-primed Bel­gian linen
293124 cm

Jen­ny Watson

I will not say that I will drink that water #2 + text (labels), 1996
two pan­els: text: acrylic on gold syn­thet­ic; image: oil on doona fabric

Jen­ny Watson

The Crimean Wars: The Stage at the Crys­tal Ballroom, 1986
oil, pig­ment, mixed media on cotton
244176 cm

Jen­ny Watson

The Wis­dom of Gary Gilmore, 1984
ink on paper
2330.5cm (unframed); 3946cm (framed)

Jen­ny Watson

The Mag­ic Street, 1984
biro on paper
28.520.5cm (unframed); 44.535cm (framed)

Jen­ny Watson

The Executioner’s Song, 1984
biro on paper
28.523cm (unframed); 4739.5cm (framed)


Jen­ny Wat­son, The Fab­ric of Fantasy

JEN­NY WAT­SON: THE FAB­RIC OF FAN­TA­SY5 July — 2 Octo­ber 2017 Jen­ny Wat­son is a lead­ing Aus­tralian artist […]

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Jen­ny Wat­son’s The Fab­ric of Fantasy’

At her best, Jen­ny Wat­son is less a painter of things than a gen­er­a­tor of energy […]

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Ret­ro­spec­tive of Jen­ny Wat­son’s prim­i­tive style strikes a chord

For Jen­ny Wat­son, who grew up in sleepy Mont Albert and then the Dandenongs […]

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Jen­ny Watson

Since her first solo show in Mel­bourne in 1973, Jen­ny Wat­son has been one […]

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Hard Feel­ings’ at the Hon­ey­moon Suite

When The Hon­ey­moon Suite opened in 2016, it was with Rose Coloured Glass, an […]

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Thin Skin,Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art (MUMA) 20 July – 23 Sep­tem­ber, 2023 Thin Skin […]

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