Jen­ny Watson

5th February – 7th March 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Paint­ings on plain and print­ed fab­rics sourced on her trav­els con­tin­ue Jen­ny Watson’s fas­ci­na­tion with the elo­quence of found non-art”materials and her lan­guage of per­son­al, psy­cho­log­i­cal imagery. This exhi­bi­tion, paint­ed in India, com­bines images and text to offer a poet­ry of found phras­es, mem­o­ries and reflec­tions: Jenny’s close­ly observed expe­ri­ences which find a res­o­nant commonality…

Work­ing out of a suit­case” has been a way to com­bine trav­el and make work for quite some time now. Although it sounds wild and care­free, it requires extreme preparation.

These fab­rics were sourced ear­ly in 2008 from a friend in Thai­land and some I found in Hong Kong. The water­col­or” paper is actu­al­ly Chi­nese wrap­ping paper.

The fab­rics are thin­ly glued to make them rol­lable and fold­able. The extra piece” that I use, whether it be a text pan­el, a toy, a vin­tage ceram­ic or a veil of organ­za, has to be sourced on the trip. It must be a dis­cov­ery that is part of the adventure.

In this case, walk­ing through a bazaar in the ear­ly evening in Bom­bay, many of the sari shops were too ortho­dox and con­ser­v­a­tive, with (under­stand­ably!) very lit­tle see through” fab­ric. A guide called Bob­by led me to a tiny shop, 4′ wide, stacked to the rafters with every kind of fab­ric length you could imag­ine. I ten­ta­tive­ly inves­ti­gat­ed one, a pas­tel silk pash­mi­na, close to the pro­por­tions I like to work with. That’s it!”. A light­bulb went off in my head, and I greed­i­ly chose the 8 I would use, hav­ing a blue­print of the colour require­ments in my mind.

The drap­ing of the pieces, the tuck­ing, the sewing, the just plain hang­ing over the diverse but con­nect­ed range of images has made a hap­py res­o­lu­tion to this series of paintings.

– J.W. 2009


Jen­ny Watson

A beau­ti­ful day in Delhi, 2008
Acrylic on rab­bit skin glue primed Chi­nese cot­ton and silk
10293.5 cm; 9797 cm

Jen­ny Watson

After a fashion, 2008
Acrylic on rab­bit skin glue primed Japan­ese cot­ton and silk pashmina
11086 cm; 184105 cm

Jen­ny Watson

After a fash­ion, with bag, 2008
8294 cm; 179130 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Deep freeze, 2008
Acrylic on rab­bit skin glue primed Japan­ese cot­ton and silk pashmina
10966.5; 144140 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Hung on you, 2008
Acrylic on rab­bit skin glue primed Chi­nese cot­ton and silk pashmina
10179 cm; 42.537.5 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Kind of a drag, 2008
96103 cm; 12394.5 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Some­thing shin­ing + beau­ti­ful at the bot­tom of the ocean, 2008
Acrylic on rab­bit skin glue, primed Thai cot­ton and silk, paper, sewing rib­bon, card­board cut out and silk pashmina
8177 cm; 187105.5 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Stand alone, 2008
Acrylic on rab­bit skin glue primed Japan­ese cot­ton and silk pashmina
87104.5 cm; 12275 cm

Jen­ny Watson

A beau­ti­ful day in Delhi, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

After a fashion, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

After a fash­ion, with bag, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Hung on you, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Kind of a drag, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Some­thing shin­ing + beau­ti­ful at the bot­tom of the ocean, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Deep freeze, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Stand alone, 2008
Acrylic on Chi­nese wrap­ping paper
6767 cm