Jen­ny Watson
Made In Perth

5th – 29th March 2003
Anna Schwartz Gallery

In this new exhi­bi­tion Made in Perth’, Jen­ny Wat­son con­tin­ues her con­cep­tu­al and for­mal explo­ration into a per­son­al iconog­ra­phy of the inti­mate and the every­day; this time infus­ing a range of urban and coun­try images with mem­o­ry and a sense of the macabre.

Head­lights Dance’ recalls a favourite scene from the movie To Die For’, while Sel­by 1955’ and New York Bed’ recall past and present beds; Emu with City Slick­er’ and The Birds’ some unex­pect­ed images of recent time spent in wild West­ern Australia.

Bel­gian linen, rib­bon, oil and acrylic paint pro­vide the sup­ports for these mod­ern day panoramas.