Clement Mead­more


Born Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia 1929

Died New York, USA 2005

Clement Mead­more stud­ied engi­neer­ing and indus­tri­al design at the Roy­al Mel­bourne Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, grad­u­at­ing in 1949. He cre­at­ed his first weld­ed sculp­tures in the 1950s and had sev­er­al exhi­bi­tions in Aus­tralia between 1954 and 1962, before mov­ing to New York in 1963.

Mead­more is recog­nised as one of the most sig­nif­i­cant Mod­ernist sculp­tors, bridg­ing the gap between Abstract Expres­sion­ism and Min­i­mal­ism. He sought to express what he called the gram­mar of geom­e­try’ begin­ning with the sim­ple forms of a cube and a quar­ter cir­cle. The artist sought to cre­ate emo­tive pieces that are at once expan­sive and flu­id; mon­u­men­tal and weightless.

Pub­lic col­lec­tions include: Nation­al Gallery of Aus­tralia (Can­ber­ra), Art Gallery of New South Wales (Syd­ney), Art Gallery of West­ern Aus­tralia (Perth), Art Gallery of South Aus­tralia (Ade­laide), Art Insti­tute of Chica­go (Chica­go), Adachi Out­door Sculp­ture Col­lec­tion (Yasu­gi City, Japan), Cleve­land Muse­um of Art (Cleve­land), Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty (New York), Tar­raWar­ra Muse­um of Art (Vic­to­ria). His works are also found in cor­po­rate and pri­vate col­lec­tions through­out Aus­tralia, Asia, Europe and the Unit­ed States.



Available Works

Clement Mead­more

Upsurge, 1989
462328 cm
