The Sculp­tures of Clement Meadmore

Hud­son Hills Press

Mel­bourne born artist Clement Mead­more is known as one of Australia’s great­est sculp­tors. His oeu­vre fus­es abstract expres­sion­ism and min­i­mal­ism to cre­ate flu­id ascend­ing shapes. Mead­more cre­ates his sculp­tures by com­bin­ing two basic ele­ments: a cube and a quar­ter cir­cle. Although his work may look like an instant ges­ture, there has been metic­u­lous thought involved. This mono­graph offers a beau­ti­ful insight into the artist’s life, and career and fea­tures work rang­ing from ear­ly sculp­ture to his renowned ele­gant, pow­er­ful pub­lic commissions.
