Stieg Pers­son: His­to­ry Painting

Anna Schwartz Gallery

Stieg Pers­son, His­to­ry paint­ing / Stieg Pers­son
Author: Stieg Pers­son, Stieg
Oth­er Authors: Vic­to­ria Lynn
Pub­lished by: Anna Schwartz Gallery, 2006
63 pages, colour illus­tra­tions, 22 cm

Stieg Persson’s prac­tice explores the found object, draw­ing on a mod­ernist tra­di­tion that extends from Duchamp to Beuys. His work con­tains traces of every­day life, yet his style is oth­er­world­ly as swirling forms emerge from dark tonal back­grounds. His inclu­sion of text with­in His­to­ry Paint­ing starts to ques­tion where the mes­sage is com­ing from: Is it the text or the form, colour, tex­ture or com­po­si­tion? Persson’s work dis­solves the mod­ernist con­cept, while at the same time extend­ing its for­mal strengths.
