Daniel Crooks: Every­where Instantly

Christchurch Art Gallery

This clev­er­ly designed paper­back book with an expand­ing cov­er looks at Daniel Crooks exhi­bi­tion Every­where Instant­ly Crooks is an artist who is capa­ble of tak­ing his audi­ence in many direc­tions at once, mak­ing the title of this exhi­bi­tion fit­ting. In this exhi­bi­tion, the audi­ence is moved through dif­fer­ent places and times. Crooks also takes us back to the ori­gins of cin­e­ma, explor­ing con­cepts orig­i­nal­ly con­ceived by the Lumière Broth­ers and Marey. This cat­a­logue includes an inter­view with Daniel Crooks by Justin Paton.
