Mar­co Fusina­to: DESASTRES

2022, Eng­lish
Hard­back, 408 pages, 2128 cm
Pub­lished by Lenz
Edi­tors: Alex­ie Glass-Kan­tor and M. New­ton
Cura­tor: Alex­ie Glass-Kantor

Pub­lished on the occa­sion of the 59th Inter­na­tion­al Art Exhi­bi­tion La Bien­nale di Venezia.

DESAS­TRES is an exper­i­men­tal noise project that syn­chro­nis­es sound with image and takes the form of a dura­tional solo per­for­mance as instal­la­tion. Mar­co Fusina­to is per­form­ing live in the Aus­tralia Pavil­ion for the dura­tion of the 59th Venice Bien­nale. He uses an elec­tric gui­tar as a sig­nal gen­er­a­tor into mass ampli­fi­ca­tion to impro­vise slabs of noise, sat­u­rat­ed feed­back and dis­cor­dant inten­si­ties that trig­ger a del­uge of images onto a free­stand­ing floor-to-ceil­ing LED wall. The images are sourced via a stream of words that have been put into an open search across mul­ti­ple online platforms.
