NEW 12

Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art

This edi­tion of the exhi­bi­tion series, New fea­tures Angel­i­ca Mesiti’s work Cit­i­zens Band – a four chan­nel video instal­la­tion. Each film doc­u­ments a dif­fer­ent musi­cian, who works out­side insti­tu­tions of per­for­mance. Each indi­vid­ual presents a unique and dis­tinct sound, with a par­tic­u­lar tech­nique that is inflect­ed with its cul­tur­al ori­gin. With text from Juliana Eng­berg, she explores the inten­si­ty that these four films create.
