Daniel von Sturmer: Focus & Field

Schwartz City

Daniel von Sturmer, Focus & Field
Release date: 31 Jan 2015
RRP: $50.00
Hard­back ISBN: 9781863957151
Imprint: Schwartz City
For­mat: Hard­back
Size: 250mm x 250mm

Focus & Field exquis­ite­ly doc­u­ments Daniel von Sturmer’s 2014 exhi­bi­tion at Young Projects Gallery, Los Ange­les. This exhi­bi­tion, by one of Australia’s most unwa­ver­ing con­tem­po­rary artists, com­pris­es a major sur­vey of works accom­pa­nied by a 9‑screen video instal­la­tion, Camera Ready Actions. Cre­at­ed in the years fol­low­ing his pre­sen­ta­tion at the Aus­tralian Pavil­ion in the 52nd Venice Bien­nale, this exhi­bi­tion and book trace von Sturmer’s con­cep­tu­al­ly deter­mined and visu­al­ly impact­ful prac­tice. The book opens with an essay by for­mer cura­tor of SFMo­MA and the CCA Wat­tis Insti­tute, Tara McDow­ell, fol­lowed by 175 pages of large full-colour plates doc­u­ment­ing von Sturmer’s Focus & Field video works.

Using video, pho­tog­ra­phy, instal­la­tion and archi­tec­tur­al inter­ven­tions, von Sturmer’s work draws on more tra­di­tion­al medi­ums of paint­ing and sculp­ture, mak­ing direct and often humor­ous ref­er­ences to still life, mod­ernism and min­i­mal­ism. Draw­ing con­nec­tions between psy­chol­o­gy and phi­los­o­phy, von Sturmer inter­ro­gates the modes of per­cep­tion at play when a view­er encoun­ters an art­work, and how they are influ­enced by pre­sen­ta­tion and context.
