Louisa Bufardeci & Zon Ito
This catalogue explores the fourth show in a series of international pairings at the Museum of Contemporary Art. The basis of this the pairing is to facilitate an Australian artist to nominate an international artist to exhibit alongside. Bufardeci has a long association with Japanese art after living there for a year and she chose Zon Ito as her partner. Bufardeci’s work within this exhibition is considered her most ambitious, as her site-specific work captures the audience and combats ideas of representation. Her playful colours and presentation are engaging, however through the use of governmental and international statistical information, she delivers a statement about how we live today. As Bufardeci explains “I wanted to see how I could use that exact same information in creative ways. In some respects I was attempting to ‘disempower’ the information, but at the same time I wanted to see how representing it would change the way it could be interpreted.”