Joseph Kosuth: Isabel­la Stew­art Gard­ner Museum


In this exhi­bi­tion at the Isabel­la Stew­art Gard­ner Muse­um in Boston, Kosuth uses a vari­ety of media such as text, pho­tographs, neon sig­nage, archival mate­ri­als, and objects from the Museum’s col­lec­tion to reflect on the his­to­ry of this unique cul­tur­al insti­tu­tion. The exhi­bi­tion is com­prised of three site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tions, set up as an opened-end­ed dia­logue between James McNeil Whistler, Bernard Beren­son and Gard­ner herself.
