Cal­lum Mor­ton: In Memoriam

Hei­de Muse­um of Mod­ern Art

Cal­lum Mor­ton: In Memo­ri­am
Pub­lish­er: Hei­de Muse­um of Mod­ern Art
Release: August 2012
Bind­ing: Paper­back
For­mat: 88 pages, 2621 cm

Pub­lished on the occa­sion of a major sur­vey of the work of Cal­lum Mor­ton at Hei­de Muse­um of Mod­ern Art.

Draw­ing upon almost twen­ty years of work by Cal­lum Mor­ton, whose art explores the per­son­al and social impact of archi­tec­ture and our built envi­ron­ment. From ear­ly draw­ings of fires and explo­sions on hous­ing com­mis­sion flats, to bul­let-holed Screens, Awnings and Mon­u­ments that memo­ri­alise the ser­i­al deaths of cap­i­tal­ism and out­dat­ed forms of moder­ni­ty, Morton’s works present a melan­cholic urban archae­ol­o­gy. He sal­vages frag­ments and alters them through cam­ou­flage, destruc­tion, the over­lay­ing of sound, and changes of scale, loca­tion and mate­r­i­al. The high­ly ambiva­lent objects that result make us think about the rela­tion­ship between art and life, his­to­ry and the present, and look again at the ubiq­ui­tous struc­tures we see but rarely notice.
