Shaun Glad­well: Stereo Sequences

Aus­tralian Cen­tre for the Mov­ing Image and Schwartz City

Release date: 31 May 2011
RRP: $39.95
Paper­back ISBN: 9780646530017
Imprint: Schwartz City
For­mat: PB
Extent: 64pp

Stereo Sequences accom­pa­nied an exhi­bi­tion of the same name by lead­ing Aus­tralian artist Shaun Glad­well, who rep­re­sent­ed Aus­tralia at the 53rd Venice Bien­nale in 2009. Con­ceived and cre­at­ed for ACMI’s unique sub­ter­ranean gallery, the exhi­bi­tion fea­tured a series of mul­ti-screen video works explor­ing con­cepts of dual­i­ty, par­al­lels and mir­ror­ing. Co-pub­lished with ACMI, this cat­a­logue cap­tures the dynamism of Stereo Sequences through rich­ly print­ed film stills, pho­tog­ra­phy, and texts by Emi­ly Bal­lou, Rex But­ler, Adri­an Mar­tin and Sarah Tutton.

Using filmic devices such as long pans and slow-motion, Glad­well cap­tures tight­ly chore­o­graphed, repet­i­tive per­for­mances by clas­si­cal bal­leri­nas, heli­copters, motor­cy­cles, mus­cle cars, trail bike rid­ers and skate­board­ers. Many of the works in Stereo Sequences are set in dis­tinct Aus­tralian loca­tions such as the Wolle­mi Nation­al Park, the open plains of Bro­ken Hill and even Sydney’s M5 under­pass, each land­scape a cen­tral char­ac­ter in the result­ing work. Inspired by these unique land­scapes and local film cul­ture, includ­ing Ozploita­tion-era films, Gladwell’s Stereo Sequences radi­ates a dis­tinct­ly Aus­tralian sensibility.
