John Nixon: EPW

Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art

John Nixon: EPW
2004, Eng­lish
Soft­cov­er, 41 pages, 2417 cm
Pub­lished by Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Mel­bourne
Authors: Max Delany, John Nixon
Cura­tors: Juliana Eng­berg, Rebec­ca Coates

Pub­lished on the occa­sion of the exhi­bi­tion held at ACCA, Mel­bourne, 29 May – 25 June 2004

John Nixon’s prac­tice con­tin­ues an artis­tic and the­o­ret­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion into rad­i­cal mod­ernism. For him the his­toric avant-garde is an on-going project that rep­re­sents a need for exper­i­ment while adding to the his­to­ry of this exper­i­ment. Nixon pur­sues the mate­r­i­al char­ac­ter of art through a series of explo­rations that involve the con­tin­u­a­tion of mono­chrome paint­ing and its sup­port. This major exhi­bi­tion was part of ACCA’s ongo­ing com­mis­sion­ing program.
