Mike Parr: Brain Coral

Nation­al Art School

Mike Parr: Brain Coral
2012, Eng­lish
Soft­cov­er, 88 pages, 2720.3 cm
Pub­lished by Nation­al Art School, Syd­ney
Authors: Katie Dyer, Ani­ta Tay­lor
Cura­tor: Katie Dyer

Pub­lished on the occa­sion of the exhi­bi­tion held at Nation­al Art School, Syd­ney, 24 Feb­ru­ary – 14 April 2012

This cat­a­logue doc­u­ments the exhi­bi­tion held at the Nation­al Art School Gallery in 2012, and includes a pref­ace by Ani­ta Tay­lor, an intro­duc­tion by the cura­tor Katie Dyer, as well as an inter­view with Mike Parr.

…this exhi­bi­tion exam­ines the affini­ties between Mike Parr’s print­mak­ing, draw­ing and the expand­ed con­text of his per­for­mances. With an empha­sis on recent and rarely seen work, the exhi­bi­tion focus­es on the extra­or­di­nary artist­sic endeav­our over the past twen­ty five years through his exper­i­men­tal and demand­ing col­lab­o­ra­tions with John Loane.’

Ani­ta Tay­lor, Mike Parr: brain coral, p.102012.
