Justene Williams


Born Syd­ney, Aus­tralia 1970
Lives and works in Bris­bane

Justene Williams, was born in Syd­ney in 1970 and cur­rent­ly lives and works in Bris­bane. She was the recip­i­ent of the Fau­vette Loureiro Memo­r­i­al Artists Trav­el Schol­ar­ship in 2010 and the Kather­ine Han­nay Visu­al Arts com­mis­sion in 2014.

Recent exhi­bi­tions include: I Am Your Recep­tor / You Are My Trans­mit­ter, Anna Schwartz Gallery, 2024, Know my Name (Aus­tralian Women Artists 1900 to Now), Nation­al Gallery of Aus­tralia 2021; Embod­ied knowl­edge, Queens­land Art Gallery 2021; The Cur­tain Breathed Deeply which recent­ly con­clud­ed its four year nation­al tour; Inau­gur­al Exhi­bi­tion, Bux­ton Con­tem­po­rary, Mel­bourne 2017; Eter­nal Cir­cling in a Present Whole: Select­ed works by Justene Williams, Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­tre of South Aus­tralia (CAC­SA), Ade­laide 2016; The Nation­al: New Aus­tralian Art, Car­riage­works, Syd­ney 2017; The future is already here — it’s just not even­ly dis­trib­uted, 20th Bien­nale of Syd­ney, Syd­ney 2015; Plea­sure and Real­i­ty at the Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria in 2015; MCA Col­lec­tion, Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Syd­ney 2016+2018; and Per­for­ma 15, New York City 2015.

Her work is held in the col­lec­tions of The Art Gallery of NSW, Syd­ney; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Syd­ney; Nation­al Gallery of Aus­tralia, Can­ber­ra, Camp­bell­town Arts Cen­tre, Syd­ney; The Chartwell Col­lec­tion, New Zealand, The Michael Bux­ton Col­lec­tion, Mel­bourne; Art­bank, Syd­ney, as well as many pri­vate col­lec­tions both nation­al­ly and internationally.


Available Works

Justene Williams

Tun­ing Into You Aeriola, 2024
closed cell foam, fibre­glass, paint, alu­mini­um rod, met­al rod, builders bog, found man­nequin part
257160162 cm
Pho­to: Carl Warner

Justene Williams

Con­gen­i­tal Pedestal, 2024
closed cell foam, fibre­glass, paint, alu­mini­um rod, met­al rod, builders bog, found man­nequin part
150403226 cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Justene Williams

Baroness The Bridge, 2024
auto­mo­tive car­pet, met­al, found man­nequin, fibre­glass, closed cell foam, con­vex mirror
203175114 cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Justene Williams

We Could Be Togeth­er Walk­ing On The Moon - A Love Song For Neu­tri­no Stars, 2024
sil­ver heli­um bal­loons, closed-cell foam, alu­mini­um rods, 2 pho­to­graph­ic trans­paren­cy light­box lights, plas­tic man­nequins, paint and resin lights, floor under­lay, insu­la­tion tape
200330177 cm
(Julie no 1 light­box 180177117 cm)
(Julie no 2 light­box 18017790.5 cm)
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro