Justene Williams
Born Sydney, Australia 1970
Lives and works in Brisbane
Justene Williams, was born in Sydney in 1970 and currently lives and works in Brisbane. She was the recipient of the Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Artists Travel Scholarship in 2010 and the Katherine Hannay Visual Arts commission in 2014.
Recent exhibitions include: I Am Your Receptor / You Are My Transmitter, Anna Schwartz Gallery, 2024, Know my Name (Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now), National Gallery of Australia 2021; Embodied knowledge, Queensland Art Gallery 2021; The Curtain Breathed Deeply which recently concluded its four year national tour; Inaugural Exhibition, Buxton Contemporary, Melbourne 2017; Eternal Circling in a Present Whole: Selected works by Justene Williams, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia (CACSA), Adelaide 2016; The National: New Australian Art, Carriageworks, Sydney 2017; The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed, 20th Biennale of Sydney, Sydney 2015; Pleasure and Reality at the National Gallery of Victoria in 2015; MCA Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 2016+2018; and Performa 15, New York City 2015.
Her work is held in the collections of The Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney; The Chartwell Collection, New Zealand, The Michael Buxton Collection, Melbourne; Artbank, Sydney, as well as many private collections both nationally and internationally.

Stephen Bram, Angela de la Cruz, Emily Floyd, Joseph Kosuth, Angelica Mesiti, Callum Morton, Jan Nelson, John Nixon, Rose Nolan, David Noonan, Chiharu Shiota, Jenny Watson, Justene Williams

Justene Williams
I Am Your Receptor / You Are My Transmitter
7th June – 20th July 2024
Anna Schwartz Gallery
Available Works

Justene Williams
Tuning Into You Aeriola, 2024
closed cell foam, fibreglass, paint, aluminium rod, metal rod, builders bog, found mannequin part
257 x 160 x 162 cm
Photo: Carl Warner

Justene Williams
Congenital Pedestal, 2024
closed cell foam, fibreglass, paint, aluminium rod, metal rod, builders bog, found mannequin part
150 x 403 x 226 cm
Photo: Christian Capurro

Justene Williams
Baroness The Bridge, 2024
automotive carpet, metal, found mannequin, fibreglass, closed cell foam, convex mirror
203 x 175 x 114 cm
Photo: Christian Capurro

Justene Williams
We Could Be Together Walking On The Moon - A Love Song For Neutrino Stars, 2024
silver helium balloons, closed-cell foam, aluminium rods, 2 photographic transparency lightbox lights, plastic mannequins, paint and resin lights, floor underlay, insulation tape
200 x 330 x 177 cm
(Julie no 1 lightbox 180 x 177 x 117 cm)
(Julie no 2 lightbox 180 x 177 x 90.5 cm)
Photo: Christian Capurro