Peter Tyn­dall


Born Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia 1951

Lives and works in Hep­burn Springs

Since the 1970s, Peter Tyndall’s paint­ings, draw­ings and prints engage with recur­sive rela­tion­ships between art, lan­guage and mean­ing. He is known for his use of graph­ic lines, text and com­ic-style illus­tra­tion. Tyndall’s art reflects and dis­rupts his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tives on art. His ongo­ing project (since 2008) is a blog enti­tled bLOGOS/​HA HA, which offers com­men­tary on unfold­ing con­tem­po­rary his­to­ry.

Main­tain­ing a rig­or­ous stu­dio prac­tice span­ning 50 years, Tyndall‘s expan­sive works con­tem­plate the fun­da­men­tal ques­tions about the con­struc­tion of mean­ing. Tyn­dall inter­ro­gates how art, lan­guage, pres­ence and absence oper­ate in rela­tion to one anoth­er in com­pre­hend­ing the world around us.

Reflect­ing on his unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to this way of see­ing the world, Tyn­dall cre­at­ed a unique set of sym­bols to describe his philo­soph­i­cal frame­work where he struc­tured his entire artis­tic prac­tice. The exhi­bi­tion demon­strates Tyndall’s process from mak­ing art, inno­va­tion, and life-long ded­i­ca­tion to insa­tiable pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.” (Bux­ton Con­tem­po­rary, 2023)

Exhi­bi­tions include Peter Tyn­dall, Bux­ton Con­tem­po­rary, Mel­bourne (20222023); thoughts arise / HA HA, Con­ners Con­ners, Mel­bourne (2023); Light & Dark­ness: Late Mod­ernism and the Pow­er Col­lec­tion, Chau Chak Wing Muse­um, Syd­ney (2022); Peter Tyn­dall Sinclair+Gallery, Castle­maine Art Muse­um, Castle­maine (2022), I Draw, There­fore I Think, South South, online (2021), Ser­i­al and Con­cep­tu­al Pho­tog­ra­phy, Spare Room 33, Can­ber­ra (2017); Geniale Dil­letan­ten (Bril­liant Dil­letantes): Sub­cuul­ture in Ger­many in the 1980s + Aus­tralian inge­nious ama­teurs, RMIT Gallery, Mel­bourne (2015); Howard Arkley (and friends…), Tar­raWar­ra Muse­um of Art, Vic­to­ria (2015); Pop to Pop­ism, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney (2014); Mel­bourne Now, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne (2013); Rein­vent­ing the Wheel: the Ready­made Cen­tu­ry, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art (2013); Mix Tape 1980s Appro­pri­a­tion, Sub­cul­ture, Crit­i­cal Style, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne (2013); detail, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Syd­ney (2012); Let the Heal­ing Begin, Insti­tute of Mod­ern Art, Bris­bane (2011); Unscript­ed: Lan­guage in Con­tem­po­rary Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney (2005); The Song of the Earth, Muse­um Frid­eri­cianum, Kas­sel, Ger­many (2000); Peter Tyn­dall, Bendi­go Art Gallery, Bendi­go (1997); Post­cards: Peter Tyn­dall Con­tem­po­rary Art Archive 5, Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Syd­ney (1994).

Pub­lic col­lec­tions include the Nation­al Gallery of Aus­tralia, Can­ber­ra; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Syd­ney; Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney; Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Mel­bourne; Art Gallery of West­ern Aus­tralia, Perth; and Art Gallery of South Aus­tralia, Adelaide.



Available Works

Peter Tyn­dall

Per­son Looks At A Work Of Art/​some­one looks at some­thing … LOGOS/HA HA , 2019
Liq­ui­tex’ and Matisse’ acrylic paint and Liq­ui­tex’ Satin var­nish on canvas

Peter Tyn­dall

A Per­son Looks At A Work Of Art/​some­one looks at some­thing … LOGOS/HA HA , 1999
Enam­el paint on pre-primed canvas
44132cm (includ­ing frame)

Peter Tyn­dall

Title detail A Per­son Looks At A Work Of Art/​some­one looks at some­thing … LOGOS/HA HA (WHEN THIS YOU SEE REM­BER MEE), 1990
oil on pre-primed can­vas, Art Stretch­ers’ Paraloid/​Gloss Varnish
64126cm (framed)

Peter Tyn­dall

A Per­son Looks At A Work Of Art/​some­one looks at some­thing… / LOGOS HA HA, 1982 — 1984
group of 5 x paint­ings, acrylic on canvas
175.5124 cm; 154.578.6 cm; 123.578.7 cm; 154.578.6 cm; 6449 cm

Peter Tyn­dall

A Per­son Looks At A Work Of Art/​some­one looks at something.…  LOGOS/ HA HA, 1976
oil paint on canvas

Peter Tyn­dall

A Per­son Looks At A Work Of Art/​some­one looks at some­thing.… LOGOS/ HA HA, 1976
oil paint on canvas


Peter Tyn­dall: bLogos/​HA HA

Now that it seems to be end­ing, what has this peri­od of enforced online […]

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Peter Tyn­dall | thoughts arise / HA HA

thoughts arise / HA HA 11 April to 11 May, 2024 Con­ners Con­ners Gallery Read […]

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