Tom Nicholson, Jenny Watson, Mutlu Çerkez, Peter Tyndall, Marco Fusinato, Ian Whittlesea, Mike Parr, Emily Floyd, Janet Burchill & Jennifer McCamley, Rose Nolan, Grant Stevens
4th July – 8th August 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery Carriageworks
Words are like time bombs. – Mike Parr
… seemingly insignificant words or phrases are separated from the stream of continuous talk (in art works) and given a fresh existence that can both transform and be transformed by the space they inhabit. – Rose Nolan
My specific interests are in how we construct and communicate our realities through various symbolic systems. – Grant Stevens
The exhibition WORD investigates the use of text in the work of 12 disparate artists (Anna Schwartz Gallery artists and others).
Text has been used during the 20th Century (and into the 21st) as a profoundly expressive tool in art making – ranging rstly from the cubist collages of Picasso and Braque, where cigarette packets and tromp l’oeil newspaper print were utilised, through to the pop paintings of Warhol and Rauschenberg, the emotional neon poetics of Tracey Emin and the rigor of Joseph Kosuth’s profoundly conceptual investigations in philosophy and linguistics. For many artists the use of text has become both a necessary and potent conceptual tool and a medium in itself.
WORD investigates textually based imperatives. Each work idiosyncratically probes the conceptual world surrounding (or prompted by) text, and the power that words and even individual letters, have as potent images in contemporary art practice — and the world.
The exhibition WORD, is not discursive but remains investigatory – in an attempt to regard questions rather than answers.

WORD, 2009
installation view, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Carriageworks
Photo: Paul Green

WORD, 2009
installation view, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Carriageworks
Photo: Paul Green

WORD, 2009
installation view, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Carriageworks
Photo: Paul Green

WORD, 2009
installation view, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Carriageworks
Photo: Paul Green

WORD, 2009
installation view, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Carriageworks
Photo: Paul Green