Stephen Bram


Born Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia 1961
Lives and Works in Melbourne

Stephen Bram (b. 1961, Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia) lives and works in Mel­bourne. Work­ing across var­i­ous modal­i­ties, pri­mar­i­ly in paint and instal­la­tion, Bram’s work (1988-present) with paint­ing and inte­ri­or space exper­i­men­tal­ly recon­fig­ures the rela­tion­ship between the work, the exhi­bi­tion space and the view­er. Since 2014 the artist has also worked more sub­jec­tive­ly, pro­duc­ing a series of black and white illu­sion­is­tic dot paint­ings, amongst oth­er activities.

Stephen Bram is pri­mar­i­ly known for his paint­ings, large-scale wall draw­ings and three-dimen­­­sion­al, room-size instal­la­tions, which have been exe­cut­ed in gal­leries and muse­ums around the world. He was one of a small group of artists involved in Store 5 in 1989, an artist-run exhi­bi­tion space in Mel­bourne which was an impor­tant cen­ter for the devel­op­ment of con­cep­tu­al­ly ori­ent­ed abstract paint­ing in Australia.

Bram’s works are in pub­lic and cor­po­rate col­lec­tions includ­ing, the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art Aus­tralia, Syd­ney; Daim­ler­ Col­lec­tion, Berlin; Mel­bourne Uni­ver­si­ty, Mel­bourne; Monash Uni­ver­si­ty, Mel­bourne; Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land, Bris­bane; Queens­land Art Gallery/​Gallery of Mod­ern Art, Bris­bane; Roy­al Mel­bourne Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy; Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne; Art Gallery of West­ern Aus­tralia, Perth and Chartwell Col­lec­tion, Auck­land Art Gallery



Available Works

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled, 2022
acrylic on canvas

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled, 2021
acrylic on cotton
171144.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled, 2021
acrylic on cotton
151144.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two-point perspective), 2020
syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint on canvasboard
35.628 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled, 2019
Acrylic on Canvas

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled, 2018
acrylic on cotton/​synthetic
500400 mm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2011
oil and acrylic on canvas
3024.2 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2010
oil and acrylic on canvas
25.420.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 2004
oil on canvas
20.730.7 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 2001
acrylic on board
30.325.2 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1998 – 2023
acrylic on canvas
50.730.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1997
oil and acrylic on canvas

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (Two Point Perspective)
, 1996
acrylic on canvas
25.420.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1996
oil on canvas
30.523 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1992 – 2023
acrylic on canvas
35.550.7 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled, 1992
oil on canvasboard
3023 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1992
oil on canvas
30.523 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1991
oil and acrylic on canvas
40.830.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1991
oil and acrylic on canvas
3828 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1991
oil on canvas
40.730.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Stephen Bram, Untitled, 1989
Acrylic on canvas
2828 cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1988
oil and acrylic on canvas
38.228 cm


John Nixon, Stephen Bram & Rose Nolan, Cook­ing with John’ curat­ed by Amalia Lin­do & Jacque­line Stojanović

Hay­dens, Mel­bourne 10 — 12 More­land Road Brunswick East, 3057 Exhi­bi­tion open­ing: 22 May from 6 – […]

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