Stephen Bram
abstract paint­ing

23rd November 2019 – 23rd February 2020
Geelong Gallery

Stephen Bram began exhibit­ing his work in the mid-1980s and has achieved a rep­u­ta­tion as one of Australia’s most accom­plished con­tem­po­rary artists. He is crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed for high­ly refined paint­ings, large-scale wall draw­ings, and archi­tec­tur­al envi­ron­ments that he has pro­duced and exhib­it­ed in gal­leries around the world. Bram’s long engage­ment with abstrac­tion took, for him, a rad­i­cal new direc­tion in Gee­long Gallery’s Aus­tralian pre­mière of a new series of mes­meris­ing black and white paint­ings that extend­ed the ways in which Bram tests illu­sion, rep­re­sen­ta­tion, land­scape, archi­tec­ture, and the per­cep­tion of viewers.


Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery

Stephen Bram

abstract paint­ing, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Gee­long Art Gallery