Stephen Bram
Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023

3rd June – 29th July 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

For more than three decades, Stephen Bram has devel­oped a body of work explor­ing the rela­tion­ship between abstract paint­ing and the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of archi­tec­tur­al space; Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023 com­pris­es works select­ed from this par­tic­u­lar 35-year project.

Geo­met­ric, abstract, and not overt­ly engaged with style, Bram’s Per­spec­tive Paint­ings pose van­ish­ing points to reflect the envi­ron­ment they inhab­it. Each piece is deter­mined accord­ing to spe­cif­ic rules includ­ing the des­ig­na­tion of two, some­times three, per­spec­ti­val points.

Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023 is accom­pa­nied with an essay by Doug Hall.


Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Stephen Bram

Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Per­spec­tive Paint­ings 1987 — 2023, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1992 – 2023
acrylic on canvas
35.550.7 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2020
syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint on canvasboard
35.627.9 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (Two Point Perspective)
, 1996
acrylic on canvas
25.420.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2010
oil and acrylic on canvas
25.420.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1987
oil on par­ti­cle board
22.715 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1992
oil on canvas
30.523 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2015
acrylic on board
25.420.3 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1991
oil on canvas
40.730.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2011
oil and acrylic on canvas
3024.2 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 1998 – 2023
acrylic on canvas
50.730.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 2023
acrylic on board
30.525.4 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1991
oil and acrylic on canvas
3828 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1991
oil and acrylic on canvas
40.830.5 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1988
oil and acrylic on canvas
38.228 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1997
oil and acrylic on canvas
30.522.7 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 2004
oil on canvas
20.730.7 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 1996
oil on canvas
30.523 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective)
, 2001
acrylic on board
30.325.2 cm

Stephen Bram

Unti­tled (two point perspective), 2016
oil and acrylic on canvas
18.524 cm