David Noo­nan


Born Bal­larat, Aus­tralia 1969

Lives and works in Lon­don, Unit­ed Kingdom

Encom­pass­ing col­lage, print­mak­ing, sculp­ture, film, and instal­la­tion, David Noonan’s prac­tice draws upon an exhaus­tive image archive that con­flates twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry avant garde and sub­cul­tur­al his­to­ries. Adopt­ing a method­i­cal approach to selec­tion, Noo­nan seam­less­ly ref­er­ences the­atre, film, design, archi­tec­ture, dance and music from both east­ern and west­ern cul­tures.

For each work, images are care­ful­ly select­ed, manip­u­lat­ed and recon­struct­ed through a non­lin­ear approach that re-presents his­to­ry as an imag­ined present. Con­cur­rent­ly, Noonan’s pro­duc­tion draws from tra­di­tion­al art and craft-mak­ing prac­tices as well as con­tem­po­rary process­es, col­laps­ing numer­ous tech­niques into intri­cate and detailed works, regard­less of medi­um.

Along­side his rig­or­ous research process, fig­u­ra­tion and for­mal con­sid­er­a­tions are cen­tral to Noonan’s con­struct­ed scenes. Sub­jects are often strate­gi­cal­ly soli­tary and haunt­ed, even when they appear in groups. The results emanate deeply psy­cho­log­i­cal and exis­ten­tial qual­i­ties.

Noo­nan was born in Aus­tralia in 1969, he now lives and works in Lon­don. He received his BFA from Bal­larat Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege and under­took his post grad­u­ate stud­ies at the Vic­to­ri­an Col­lege of the Arts, Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia. His work has been pre­sent­ed in numer­ous solo exhi­bi­tions includ­ing the Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Chisen­hale Gallery, Lon­don; Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Mel­bourne; Con­tem­po­rary Art Muse­um, St. Louis; Rosen­wald-Wolf Gallery, Philadel­phia; Foxy Pro­duc­tion, New York; David Kor­dan­sky Gallery, Los Ange­les; HOTEL, Lon­don; Mod­ern Art, Lon­don; Xavier Hufkens, Brus­sels; Anna Schwartz Gallery, Mel­bourne and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Syd­ney.

Noonan’s work is held in numer­ous inter­na­tion­al pub­lic col­lec­tions, includ­ing The Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, New York; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Chica­go; Dal­las Muse­um of Art, Dal­las; Los Ange­les Coun­ty Muse­um of Art, Los Ange­les; MAM­CO – Mod­ern and Con­tem­po­rary Art Muse­um, Gene­va; Nation­al Gallery of Cana­da, Ottawa; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toron­to; Nation­al Gallery of Aus­tralia, Can­ber­ra; Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne; Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Syd­ney; Art Gallery of Bal­larat, Bal­larat, Aus­tralia; Mona – Muse­um of Old and New Art, Hobart, Aus­tralia, and British Coun­cil, London.


Available Works

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2023
Jacquard tapestry
195cm x 290cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2022
C‑type print, alu­mini­um frame, linen win­dow mount
38.540.5 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2022
C‑type print, alu­mini­um frame, linen win­dow mount
38.540.5 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2022
C‑type print, alu­mini­um frame, linen win­dow mount
38.540.5 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2019
Jacquard tapestry
195135 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2015
silkscreen on dyed linen col­lage, steel tray frame
2041466 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2015
silkscreen on dyed linen col­lage, steel tray frame
2041466 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2012
paper col­lage on linen, Perspex
6247 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2012
paper col­lage on linen, Perspex

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2011
paper col­lage on linen, Perspex
6247 cm

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2006 – 2019
white bronze

David Noo­nan

Unti­tled, 2006
312019 cm
Edi­tion of 13


Artist David Noo­nan weaves ambi­gu­i­ty into his lat­est tapestries

Two pho­tographs sit above the desk in the Lon­don stu­dio where Aus­tralian artist David […]

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David Noonan’s Ges­tures in Time

The artist’s solo show of tapes­tries at Anna Schwartz Gallery in Mel­bourne are invocations […]

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David Noo­nan: Stagecraft

In in-depth dis­cus­sion with David Noo­nan while the exhi­bi­tion is in hiber­na­tion. You were […]

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David Noo­nan: Stage­craft’ cat­a­logue wins MAP­DA 2021 award for Best Small Exhi­bi­tion Catalogue

David Noo­nan: Stage­craft, designed by Ben Cox and pub­lished on the occa­sion of the […]

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Night­shifts at Bux­ton Contemporary

night­shifts 26 May – 29 Octo­ber 2023 Bux­ton Con­tem­po­rary night­shifts con­sid­ers the impor­tance of […]

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Thin Skin,Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art (MUMA) 20 July – 23 Sep­tem­ber, 2023 Thin Skin […]

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