Oliv­er Beer, Angela de la Cruz, Emi­ly Floyd, Jan Nel­son, Rose Nolan, Chi­haru Shio­ta, David Noo­nan, Taryn Simon

17th February – 30th April 2024
Anna Schwartz Gallery

IN HOUSE presents salient ideas and cur­rent trends in the prac­tice of indi­vid­ual artists asso­ci­at­ed with Anna Schwartz Gallery. Begin­ning each gallery year, com­mis­sioned and exist­ing works are placed in a new con­text, ani­mat­ed through con­ver­sa­tion between diverse mate­ri­al­i­ty and approach.

From Lon­don, Berlin, New York and Mel­bourne, the inau­gur­al IN HOUSE exhibits works by Oliv­er Beer, Angela de la Cruz, Emi­ly Floyd, Jan Nel­son, Rose Nolan, David Noo­nan, Chi­haru Shio­ta and Taryn Simon. In pre­car­i­ous times, each work has a sense of fragility. 

Emi­ly Floyd’s shin­ing Night Par­rot, a crit­i­cal­ly endan­gered and elu­sive species, is here, very present, cast in mon­u­men­tal bronze, a mate­r­i­al to endure the future. Oliv­er Beer’s Res­o­nance Paint­ing (Cloud Mem­o­ry) cre­ates a paint­ing from thin air, trans­lat­ing musi­cal har­mo­ny into a visu­al lan­guage; the shape of sound’. Chi­haru Shio­ta evolves an entire uni­verse from a sin­gle cell, then piles lay­er upon lay­er of cut, tan­gled, knot­ted thread; build­ing a uni­verse with­in the frame. Angela de la Cruz’ Split weaves old can­vas­es into the new, now eager to break free from their con­fines. Loop cre­ates an illu­sion of many images with each can­vas; how­ev­er, they are all the same. Taryn Simon’s work from Paper­work and the Will of Cap­i­tal sig­ni­fies the pre­car­i­ous nature of sur­vival, with pow­er­ful men next to impos­si­ble bou­quets’ sign­ing polit­i­cal accords, con­tracts, treaties, and decrees. Jan Nel­son con­tin­ues her Black Riv­er Run­ning series with an inti­mate mate­r­i­al response to a world full of unfath­omable con­tra­dic­tions. David Noo­nan, in the tra­di­tion­al medi­um of tapes­try, draws upon key aspects of his prac­tice: col­lage, the­atri­cal themes, found imagery, the rela­tion­ship between fig­u­ra­tion and abstrac­tion and the mono­chrome palette. Rose Nolan’s Big Words - One thing after anoth­er one thing leads to anoth­er, projects from the wall into the world, chal­leng­ing the expe­ri­ence of per­cep­tion and resist­ing appre­hen­sion in a sin­gle glance.

IN HOUSE is a clue to new projects, a new year, and sig­nif­i­cant things to come.

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