David Noo­nan
A Dark & Qui­et Place

7th February – 31st March 2019
Freemantle Arts Centre

For his first exhi­bi­tion in West­ern Aus­tralia, David Noo­nan cre­at­ed an immer­sive instal­la­tion to invite view­ers into an atmos­pher­ic dark and qui­et place’. Bring­ing togeth­er recent works ren­dered in film and tapes­try, the strange­ly cin­e­mat­ic and poet­ic world offers a med­i­ta­tive space of won­der and intrigue.


David Noo­nan

A Dark and Qui­et Place, 2019
instal­la­tion view
Fre­man­tle Arts Centre

David Noo­nan

A Dark and Qui­et Place, 2019
instal­la­tion view
Fre­man­tle Arts Centre

David Noo­nan

A Dark and Qui­et Place, 2019
instal­la­tion view
Fre­man­tle Arts Centre