29th July – 28th August 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

For his first solo exhi­bi­tion in Mel­bourne, and his first exhi­bi­tion at Anna Schwartz Gallery, Ian Burns presents a num­ber of sculp­tures that con­tin­ue to explore the man­u­fac­tured screen image. Refer­ring in title to the sim­plis­tic and lit­tle-nuanced plots of pulp fic­tion, AND THEN… pro­vides a space in which we might become more con­scious of the images we con­sume on a dai­ly basis.

Incor­po­rat­ing and some­times gen­er­at­ing sound and image, burns’ meta-cin­e­mat­ic’ mon­u­ments invoke pop­u­lar mov­ing imagery and by exten­sion the cul­ture which pro­duces them. Burns builds these audio- visu­al-sculp­tur­al forms in order to reveal the clichés of con­tem­po­rary screen cul­ture. With­out ignor­ing the con­text of his own pro­duc­tion, Burns’ cri­tique of mind­less images also extends to those con­tem­po­rary art prac­tices that sim­i­lar­ly play upon the objects famil­iar to dai­ly life. Com­prised of found objects, each sculp­ture con­tains with­in it a unique nar­ra­tive. For exam­ple, the coin­ci­dence of dis­cov­er­ing a clam-shaped, children’s swim­ming pool, along with some dis­card­ed man­nequins, led the artist to Botticelli’s Birth of Venus’. What ensues is a unique exten­sion of the metaphor, as Venus – through Burns – gives birth to video. This brings us to the under­ly­ing essence of Burns’ work: while crit­i­cal­ly bring­ing to light com­plex the­o­ries about pop­u­lar cul­ture and the enter­tain­ment indus­try, these works con­tain a nec­es­sary dose of humour – mak­ing them utter­ly compelling.


15 hours v.4, 2010
found object kinet­ic sculp­ture, live video and audio
1266759 cm

A Moment Implied, 2010
Found objects, wood, mag­ni­fy­ing glass­es, pro­ject­ed light
162360240 cm

Adam, 2010
Found object kinet­ic sculp­ture, live video and audio
1597060 cm

Brew, 2010
Found objects, steam, live video and audio
1859043 cm

Hot Water, 2010
Found objects, steam, live video and audio
1537970 cm

Makin’ Tracks, 2010
Found objects, live video and audio
1206355 cm

Venus, 2010
Found objects, wood, cement, live video and audio
1929093 cm

Well Read, 2010
Found object kinet­ic sculp­ture, live video and audio
13810597 cm