Mike Parr
Dark Cave
20th November – 19th December 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery
The ideas in a work of art are its raw materials and not its meaning.
Theodor Adorno
It’s poetry’s job not to oppose evil but to imagine it.
Robert Duncan

Installation view

Installation view

Mike Parr
Mug shots (when I perceived the delights of Paradise), 2015
Acrylic on canvas
214 x 297 cm

Mike Parr
Encephalic Head (from the series ‘Finding a Hole in Nature’), 2015
Acrylic and red oxide on canvas
214 x 298 cm

Mike Parr
The robot paints (from the series ‘Finding a Hole in Nature’), 2015
Acrylic, red oxide and charcoal on canvas
214 x 287 cm

Mike Parr
I am nervous (dead matter from the interior of wounds) (from the series ‘Finding a Hole in Nature’), 2015
Acrylic and pumice on canvas
214 x 280 cm

Mike Parr
About the sycophants (from the series ‘Finding a Hole in Nature’), 2015
Acrylic, red oxide and charcoal on canvas
214 x 299 cm

Mike Parr
The washing of feet (from the series ‘Finding a Hole in Nature’), 2015
Acrylic, charcoal and pumice on canvas
214 x 288 cm

Mike Parr
Methodonized, 2015
Acrylic, enamel and charcoal on canvas
214 x 299 cm

Mike Parr
Divided by strychnine, 2015
Acrylic, pastel powder, red oxide and charcoal on canvas
214 x 295 cm

Mike Parr
Butcher in German, 2015
Acrylic, ink and red oxide on canvas
214 x 298 cm

Mike Parr
A room equipped to exclude actinic rays, 2015
Acrylic, red oxide and charcoal on canvas
202 x 285 cm