Stieg Pers­son
Works On Paper

19th November – 19th December 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Far from the degree of fin­ish required in my paint­ings, the works in this exhi­bi­tion are gen­uine work­ing draw­ings and they are made in that spir­it. Var­i­ous motifs, some old, some new, are used as the source . They are exe­cut­ed rapid­ly with brush and ink in order to exper­i­ment with ideas for paint­ings. Many are made and most are dis­card­ed. Of the ones that are kept a few will become the foun­da­tion of a paint­ing. The oth­er sur­vivors enter an odd zone. They rep­re­sent what might have been or still could be. Acknowl­edged as too good to dis­card they are present­ly unimag­in­able as a fin­ished paint­ing. Here lies one of the dif­fi­cul­ties com­mon to all artists. Pierc­ing the bar­ri­ers estab­lished in one’s own mind in order to tran­scend one’s own lim­i­ta­tions. The works on paper exhib­it­ed here rep­re­sent such an attempt.

Stieg Pers­son, 2009.


Stieg Pers­son

Works on Paper, 2009
instal­la­tion view, Anna Schwartz Gallery