EPW: Var­i­ous Paintings

5th February – 21st March 2015
Anna Schwartz Gallery

This exhi­bi­tion is an overview of con­struct­ed paint­ings from the past year — works sit­u­at­ed with­in the lex­i­cons of min­i­mal­ism and max­i­mal­ism. It presents exam­ples from a num­ber of dif­fer­ent series with either sim­ple or com­plex for­mal struc­tures. The paint­ings have been ran­dom­ly placed side-by-side encour­ag­ing a view of their individuality.

The method of con­struct­ing or build­ing a paint­ing has enabled me to exceed the lim­its of the rec­tan­gle, to cre­ate paint­ings of dynam­ic shape and struc­ture through lay­er­ing and accumulation.

The most min­i­mal are mono­chrome paint­ings con­struct­ed from stacked pieces of irreg­u­lar­ly shaped MDF, one colour, one mate­r­i­al. By con­trast, the most max­i­mal­ist of the works each have a diag­o­nal wood­en stripe reach­ing beyond the bor­der of the rec­tan­gle. The diver­si­ty of mate­ri­als in these (var­i­ous woods, alu­minum, plas­tic, etc) and objects (saw blade, cup, etc) adds colour, tex­ture, dimen­sion and form. A fur­ther group is of paint­ings scaled to the size of a carpenter’s square, a tool of trade of the artist or car­pen­ter, which is here attached to the can­vas sur­face to rein­force its edge. Through the mate­ri­al­i­ty of all the works in the exhi­bi­tion, the non-objec­tive joins with the con­crete and real with­in an abstract realm.

The exhi­bi­tion design also reflects my inter­est in min­i­mal­ism and max­i­mal­ism. The room is large and white with a grey floor. The 50 select­ed mid-sized works are strate­gi­cal­ly shown at eye-height in a strong, con­tin­u­ous lin­ear frieze along all four walls to cre­ate a sol­id visu­al zone, engag­ing both mind and eye. This dis­play for­mat has been cho­sen for this par­tic­u­lar exhi­bi­tion, but at a dif­fer­ent time, the works could also be shown in their groups to enhance an appre­ci­a­tion of the many vari­a­tions with­in each sin­gu­lar theme.

John Nixon, Jan­u­ary 2015


Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
5035 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on four canvases
6045 cm

Unti­tled, 2013
Enam­el on ply­wood and canvas
6952 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
6758 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
6476 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
9060 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on MDF
4050 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and two car­pen­ters’ squares on canvas
3026 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
6559 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
5034 cm

Unti­tled, 2013
Enam­el on two canvases
6050 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
3225 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and wood­en ruler on canvas
2524 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on three canvases
6870 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and car­pen­ters’ square on canvas
3025 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on two canvases
8175 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
6041 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and wood­en ruler on canvas
2037 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on three canvases
4457 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on can­vas and wood­en frame
6070 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on three canvases
4030 cm

Unti­tled, 2013
Enam­el on two canvases
604545 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
8055 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on two canvases
10057 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
7065 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­r­i­al on canvas
5031 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on three canvases
6060 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and two car­pen­ters’ squares on canvas

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on four canvases
5060 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on three canvases
7277 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and two car­pen­ters’ squares on canvas
3015 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
6549 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
7450 cm

Unti­tled, 2015
enam­el on MDF and masonite
6060 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
8060 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
6547 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
4045 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on MDF
7675 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
5639 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on three canvases
644520 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
8057 cm

Unti­tled, 2013
Enam­el on two canvases
604545 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on two canvases
8251 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
7456 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and car­pen­ters’ square on canvas
4030 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on MDF
6087 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el and mixed mate­ri­als on canvas
3227 cm

Unti­tled, 2014
Enam­el on four canvases
6060 cm