Kathy Temin
Wall Works

21st April – 27th May 2023
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Eight, plush, wall sculp­tures, dif­fer­ing in scale, inhab­it the gallery, in a dusty pink palate. These works are indi­vid­u­al­ly sewn, stuffed, and cov­ered with Temin’s sig­na­ture medi­um of syn­thet­ic fur; soft, cud­dly, toy-like, arti­fi­cial: chal­leng­ing con­ven­tions of both taste and art his­to­ry. Craft activ­i­ties from the 1970s are com­bined with Min­i­mal­ism, invok­ing the grid, rep­e­ti­tion and the mono­chrome. These are objects for per­son­al and col­lec­tive remembering.

The exhi­bi­tion Wall Works… invokes notions of sub­ur­bia and inte­ri­or design, struc­tured around ten­sions between the famil­iar and the strange, the organ­ic and the arti­fi­cial, the sen­ti­men­tal and the monumental.

Kathy Temin is Pro­fes­sor at MADA, Monash Art Design & Archi­tec­ture, Monash University.


Kathy Temin

Wall Works, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Kathy Temin

Wall Works, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Kathy Temin

Wall Works, 2023
instal­la­tion view

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Small Square, 2022
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
777318 cm

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Hang­ing with Two Balls, 2023
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
10018030 cm

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Large Hang­ing 2, 2023
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
27022020 cm

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Large Hang­ing 1, 2022
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
16516515 cm

Wall Work: Large Rec­tan­gle with Two Balls, 2023
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
15020030 cm

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Large Open Square, 2022
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
16019020 cm

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Square, 2023
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
15015020 cm

Kathy Temin

Wall Work: Open Rectangle, 2023
Syn­thet­ic fur, syn­thet­ic fill­ing and wood
15611818 cm