Mikala Dwyer
Swamp Geometry
10th July – 9th August 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery
Swamp Geometry: Logic is remodelled and play shifts reality to create its parallel.
Hanging Garden: Planets; micro biospheres; floating worlds, earthed but suspended in an unstable horizon line. Within this world different realities are possible and proposed…other geologies and terrestrial phenomena; superstitions; playing with notions of the known.
The Additions and Substractions: A reverie; an accumulation of self; a constellation of temporary meaning. Sigmund Freud’s collection of antiquities comprised an unconscious archaeology, correspondences across history, externalisations of inner meanings.
Costumes: for a pataphysical theatre of crystallography and architecture. Pataphysics, the science of imaginary solutions.
Empty Sculptures: remodel space as repositories for fantasy or reality.
The Moon: Giovanni Riccioli, 16th Century Jesuit astronomer, named the lakes, seas, oceans and craters of the moon, endowing it with human poetics and emotions.