Mikala Dwyer
Swamp Geom­e­try

10th July – 9th August 2008
Anna Schwartz Gallery

Swamp Geom­e­try: Log­ic is remod­elled and play shifts real­i­ty to cre­ate its parallel.

Hang­ing Gar­den: Plan­ets; micro bios­pheres; float­ing worlds, earth­ed but sus­pend­ed in an unsta­ble hori­zon line. With­in this world dif­fer­ent real­i­ties are pos­si­ble and proposed…other geolo­gies and ter­res­tri­al phe­nom­e­na; super­sti­tions; play­ing with notions of the known.

The Addi­tions and Sub­strac­tions: A rever­ie; an accu­mu­la­tion of self; a con­stel­la­tion of tem­po­rary mean­ing. Sig­mund Freud’s col­lec­tion of antiq­ui­ties com­prised an uncon­scious archae­ol­o­gy, cor­re­spon­dences across his­to­ry, exter­nal­i­sa­tions of inner meanings.

Cos­tumes: for a pat­a­phys­i­cal the­atre of crys­tal­log­ra­phy and archi­tec­ture. Pat­a­physics, the sci­ence of imag­i­nary solutions.

Emp­ty Sculp­tures: remod­el space as repos­i­to­ries for fan­ta­sy or reality.

The Moon: Gio­van­ni Ric­ci­oli, 16th Cen­tu­ry Jesuit astronomer, named the lakes, seas, oceans and craters of the moon, endow­ing it with human poet­ics and emotions.


Mikala Dwyer

The Addi­tions and Subtractions, 2008

Mikala Dwyer

Hang­ing Garden, 2008
Mon­ey plants, plas­tic and earth

Mikala Dwyer

Cos­tumes, 2008
Cloth, card­board and acrylic paint
Dimen­sions variable

Mikala Dwyer

Emp­ty Sculpture, 2008
Dimen­sions vari­able (approx 126190125 cm)

Mikala Dwyer

Emp­ty Sculpture, 2008
Dimen­sions vari­able (approx 11020090 cm)

Mikala Dwyer

Emp­ty Sculpture, 2008
Dimen­sions vari­able (approx 200100100 cm)

Mikala Dwyer

The Moon, 2008
Hes­s­ian, felt, mod­el­ling clay and cardboard
Dimen­sions vari­able (ban­ner 750125 cm; plan­ets 30 cm diameter)