Mike Parr
The Hal­lelu­jah Chorus

24th June – 24th July 2010
Anna Schwartz Gallery

For the exhi­bi­tion The Hal­lelu­jah Cho­rus, Mike Parr has devel­oped a num­ber of large-scale prints and draw­ings, con­tin­u­ing the Self-Por­trait Project”. Through the repet­i­tive nature of prints, as well as through the con­stant return to his own image, the self por­trait refus­es to be lim­it­ed by rep­re­sen­ta­tion and ref­er­ence. They posi­tion the view­er, as well as the artist, at a point described by Parr as priv­i­leged anonymi­ty” – for Parr, the self-por­trait becomes a place of empti­ness.

Parr’s inves­ti­ga­tions into the lim­its of both the body and the mind, played out across per­for­mance, print, draw­ing and sculp­ture, have been a major influ­ence on con­tem­po­rary art in Aus­tralia since the ear­ly 1970s. One of Australia’s pre-emi­nent and most chal­leng­ing con­tem­po­rary artists, his rig­or­ous prac­tice con­tin­ues to be for­mal­ly, phys­i­cal­ly and intel­lec­tu­al­ly engaging.


Mike Parr

Grief for the World, 2010
Unique state print on paper
237.5532 cm

Mike Parr

Islands of the Dead, 2010
Unique state print on paper
248472.5 cm

Mike Parr

M Speak, 2010
Unique state print on paper
236.5262.5 cm

Mike Parr

Mem­o­ries of the Church of God, 2010
Unique state print on paper
235266 cm

Mike Parr

Nail your foot to the floor, 2010
Pas­tel, char­coal, ink and acrylic on paper
251.5395.5 cm

Mike Parr

Prunt­mak­er, 2009
Car­borun­dum, dry­point, angle­grinder & stain on Hah­ne­muh­le paper
216234 cm (6 sheets)

Mike Parr

Shit Falls to Earth, 2010
Unique state print on paper
184.5410.5 cm

Mike Parr

The Com­pa­ny of Friends (SAW TOOTH), 2010
Unique state print on paper
235534 cm

Mike Parr

The Hal­lelu­jah Chorus, 2010
Unique state print on paper and canvas
204350 cm

Mike Parr

The Plague of Fan­tasies 1, 2010
Unique state print on paper
235.5534 cm

Mike Parr

The Plague of Fan­tasies 2, 2010
Dry­point, angle grinder, car­borun­dum from cop­per, car­borun­dum from ply
235.5534 cm

Mike Parr

Carte­sian Corpse, 2009
34 hours