EPW: Polychrome Applied Painting
16th April – 9th May 2009
Anna Schwartz Gallery
Painting in the Expanded Field
Whilst the EPW: Polychrome project continues – and continues to be defined by colour stripe paintings — this exhibition focuses on the side projects and under the banner of Applied Painting, various possibilities for painting have been explored. Presented here are projects for: theatre sets, a curtain for an opera house, wall-painting designs and Colour-Rhythm Disks.
The EPW: Polychrome group of works began in 2006 and a large exhibition of various Colour-Rhythm striped paintings was held at the TarraWarra Museum of Art in Healesville in March-May 2007. Included were early examples of the Applied Paintings – Colour Music Compositions and Colour-Rhythm Disks. Since that exhibition, this line of research has continued in a number of groups of paintings Colour-Groups A –E), each with their own colour system. These culminate in Colour-Group E (Random), paintings that incorporate nine colours including three primary and three secondary colours, black, white and silver utilized in random order.
During this time, new Applied Painting projects have also been developed whilst others
already begun have been continued. Whilst presented as paintings of interest in their own right, the Applied Paintings also imply function as art outside the boundaries of pure painting and in this way offer models for use and engagement with other arts disciplines. For example, the designs for theatre sets, wall-paintings and stage curtain are for projects that are massive in scale; the Colour Rhythm Disks take the form of painted records to be seen spinning.
Part of the ongoing Experimental Painting Workshop, the Applied Paintings conceptually expand the realm of abstract painting into wider spheres of activity and endeavour.
John Nixon, March 2009

EPW: Polychrome Applied Painting, 2009
Installation view, Anna Schwartz Gallery

Project for a Curtain for an Opera House Colour Group E (Spectrum), 2009
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Curtain for an Opera House Colour Group E (Random), 2008
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Wall Painting Colour Group E (Random), 2008
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Wall Painting Colour Group E (Random), 2008
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Enamel on Canvas
60 x 45 cm

Project for a Curtain for an Opera House Colour Group E (Random), 2009
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Wall Painting Colour Group E (Random), 2008
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Curtain for an Opera House Colour Group E (Spectrum), 2009
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Wall Painting Colour Group E (Random), 2008
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Wall Painting Colour Group E (Random), 2008
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Theatre Set IV Colour Group E (Random), 2008
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Curtain for an Opera House Colour Group E (Spectrum), 2009
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Project for a Curtain for an Opera House Colour Group E (Random), 2008
enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Untitled Colour Group E (Random), 2009
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm
Untitled Colour Group E (Random), 2008
Enamel on MDF
60 x 90 cm

Alpine Landscape Translation I (Naturalism — Abstraction) (After H. Gleisner), 2008
Enamel on canvas
60 x 90 cm

Colour-Rhythm Disks 1 – 6 Colour Group E (Random), 2009
6 disks, turntable & table
Dimensions variable