AES+F: The Rev­o­lu­tion Starts Now!

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land Art Museum

AES+F achieved world-wide recog­ni­tion and acclaim in the Russ­ian Pavil­ion at the 52nd la Bien­nale di Venezia for their provoca­tive work Last Riot, the sec­ond in this series of large scale mul­ti­chan­nel video instal­la­tions was The Feast of Tri­mal­chio. This cat­a­logue presents glossy stills and pho­tographs from both exhi­bi­tions. These two works presents a vision of a glam­or­ised rev­o­lu­tion, with beau­ty, style and wealth in the fore­ground. How­ev­er, under­scor­ing these idyl­lic, unblem­ished scenes is a cri­tique of exces­sive glob­al consumption.
