Chi­haru Shio­ta: The Hand Lines

Casa Asia

This cat­a­logue fea­tures work from Shiota’s first exhi­bi­tion in Barcelona. Shiota’s work ref­er­ences one of the old­est crafts for women: weav­ing. Her struc­ture how­ev­er resem­bles a rhi­zomat­ic web, where a weed spreads uncon­trol­lably over a space. These two oppos­ing ideas of con­trolled weav­ing and nat­ur­al chaos are both impor­tant fac­tors in Shiota’s work. The use of thread in her work is some­thing that binds ideas and mem­o­ries Her focus is on the space and absence — the emp­ty space Thread becomes enough to estab­lish a rela­tion­ship with the world.
