Amri­ta Hepi


Born 1989, Townsville of Bundjulung/​Ngapuhi ter­ri­to­ries

Amri­ta Hepi is an award win­ning artist work­ing with dance and chore­og­ra­phy through video, the social func­tion of per­for­mance spaces, instal­la­tion and objects. Using hybrid­i­ty and the exten­sion of choreograph­ic or per­for­ma­tive prac­tices, Amri­ta cre­ates work that consid­ers the body’s rela­tion­ship to person­al his­to­ries and the archive. Amrita’s work has tak­en var­i­ous forms (film, perfor­mance, sculp­ture, text, lec­ture, par­tic­i­pa­to­ry instal­la­tion), but always begins with the body as a point of mem­o­ry and resistance.

Amri­ta con­sid­ers the black and brown female body as archive – dis­tinct from, and in oppo­si­tion to pri­or views of the archive as a doc­u­men­tary, deposit or bureau­crat­ic agency. In Amri­ta’s doc­u­ment­ed moments, the archive is nev­er sta­t­ic, but rather dynam­ic and innovative.

Amri­ta is a Gertrude Con­tem­po­rary artist in res­i­dence (2020 – present) and is current­ly work­ing with Kaldor projects/​Ser­pen­tine UK as a par­tic­i­pat­ing DOit artist. Recent com­mis­sions include: Syd­ney Opera House, The Anguil­la Pur­suit (2022), Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Neigh­bour (2020), and the Art Gallery of New South Wales, ~ CASS ~ (2020). In 2019 Amri­ta was a com­mis­sioned artist for The Nation­al: New Aus­tralian art 2019 and the recip­i­ent of the dance web schol­ar­ship to be men­tored by Anne Juren, Mette Ing­varsten and Annie Dors­en. In 2018 and again in 2020 she was the recip­i­ent of the Peo­ple’s Choice award for the Keir Chore­o­graph­ic Award and was named in Forbes Asia 30 under 30. Amri­ta trained at NAIS­DA and Alvin Ailey NYC.

Amri­ta Hep­i’s work has been pre­sent­ed and per­formed in muse­ums, gal­leries and fes­ti­vals, includ­ing, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney; Car­riage­works, Syd­ney; Syd­ney Opera House; Immi­gra­tion Muse­um, Mel­bourne; 4A, Syd­ney; The Menil Col­lec­tion, Hous­ton; Art Cen­tral, Hong Kong; Dark MOFO, Tas­ma­nia; The­atre Chal­loit, Paris; Tanz Im August, Berlin; Wom­ade­laide, Ade­laide; Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary with Next Wave Fes­ti­val for Asia TOPA: Asia-Pacif­ic Tri­en­ni­al of Per­form­ing Arts.


Available Works

Amri­ta Hepi

The Blue Tax (the blew tax), 2023
Inkjet print on Ilford Pearl 310gsm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Amri­ta Hepi

Heir 2, Air to the throne, 2023
Inkjet print on Ilford Gal­lerie Pearl 310gsm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Amri­ta Hepi

Blak owt blind, 2023
Cus­tom print­ed ver­ti­cal blinds
160120 cm

Amri­ta Hepi

Too peace sealing, 2023
cus­tom print­ed ver­ti­cal blinds
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Amri­ta Hepi

Knight­en­gale phace (night­en­gale face) II, 2023
Inkjet print on Ilford Gal­lerie Pearl 310gsm
82 cm x 122 cm

Amri­ta Hepi

Aisle, Isle (I’ll), 2023
Inkjet print on Ilford Gal­lerie Pearl 310gsm
82122 cm

Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022

Amri­ta Hepi

The Kiss, 2020
(stills) HD video, 16:9, colour, sound
3 min­utes 17 seconds
Com­mis­sioned by the Nation­al Gallery of Australia

Amri­ta Hepi

Move­ment of Place, 2019
(stills) HD video, 16:9, colour, sound
5 min­utes 44 seconds
Amri­ta Hepi in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Claire Winsor
Com­mis­sioned by Tay­lor Culi­tiy Lethean Archi­tec­ture Firm

Amri­ta Hepi

Dance Rites, 2017
(still) sin­gle-chan­nel HD video instal­la­tion, 16:9, colour, silent, sand, rope
7 min­utes 19 seconds



In the lead up to the 2021 Fre­man­tle Bien­nale, Amri­ta Hepi launched an international […]

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Agency Projects and Com­pos­ite: Mov­ing Image Agency & Media Bank have part­nered to present an […]

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Portrait23 | Nation­al Por­trait Gallery

Portrait23: Iden­ti­ty is a major exhi­bi­tion at the Nation­al Por­trait Gallery of Aus­tralia, pre­sent­ing of […]

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Amri­ta Hepi | Plan­e­tary Gestures

Plan­e­tary Ges­tures26 Sep­tem­ber – 3 Novem­ber 2023Walk­er Street Gallery and Art Cen­tre Plan­e­tary Ges­tures is an […]

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