Amri­ta Hepi
How I See It: Blak Art and Film

16th December 2022 – 19th February 2023
Australian Centre for the Moving Image

Span­ning mov­ing image, instal­la­tion, doc­u­men­tary, pho­tog­ra­phy and video games, How I See It ampli­fies the artists and film­mak­ers’ per­spec­tives on rep­re­sen­ta­tion, the gaze, colo­nial archives and knowl­edge sys­tems. Eight cre­ators con­sid­er how First Peo­ples have been his­tor­i­cal­ly rep­re­sent­ed on our screens as they also imag­ine alter­nate real­i­ties and futures. The exhi­bi­tion show­cas­es works that use diverse mate­ri­als and ideas to dis­rupt and reimag­ine, as well as expand the artists’ prac­tice, sup­port­ing exper­i­men­ta­tion with new tech­nolo­gies and mediums. 


Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022

Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022

Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022

Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022

Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022

Amri­ta Hepi

Scrip­ture for a smoke screen: Episode 1 – dol­phin house, 2022