
Artist Chi­haru Shio­ta Explains Why She Turned the Bible Into a Spi­dery Mael­strom in Berlin’s Old­est Church

Chi­haru Shio­ta was stand­ing inside Berlin’s old­est church, the St. Niko­lai Kirche, one late […]

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Con­cep­tu­al Artist Joseph Kosuth

Joseph Kosuth is a big man, a big fig­ure in the art world, a big intel­lec­tu­al. He […]

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Angela de la Cruz wins The Nation­al Plas­tics Arts Award in Spain

Angela de la Cruz wins the prize​‘Nation­al Plas­tic Arts Award, 2017’ in Spain […]

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Joseph Kosuth, A Short His­to­ry of My Thought’ at Anna Schwartz Gallery

Cou­pled with the per­va­sive hum of the neon trans­form­ers, Joseph Kosuth’s A Short His­to­ry of […]

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Joseph Kosuth bathes gallery in sig­na­ture neon for first Aus­tralian survey

Exhi­bi­tion brings high priest of con­cep­tu­al­ism to Mel­bourne Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val The first sur­vey in Australia […]

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Joseph Kosuth: The artists at the top of the bil­lion­aires’ lists are quite derivative’

Joseph Kosuth was 24 in 1969 when he wrote his sem­i­nal essay, Art After Philosophy […]

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War­wick Thornton’s Sweet Coun­try: a trag­ic inves­ti­ga­tion of race on Australia’s frontier

The open­ing of War­wick Thornton’s Sweet Coun­try (2017) is as pro­sa­ic as it is […]

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Joseph Kosuth’s Con­cep­tu­al Art Exhi­bi­tion A Short His­to­ry of My Thought

Amer­i­can artist Joseph Kosuth is one of the pio­neers of con­cep­tu­al art, burst­ing on […]

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Joseph Kosuth: A Short His­to­ry of My Thought

Amer­i­can artist Joseph Kosuth once said of his work,​“All I make are mod­els. The […]

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JOSEPH KOSUTH: Quest for Meaning

Despite all indi­ca­tions to the con­trary, Joseph Kosuth doesn’t believe anti-intel­lec­­tu­al­ism is on the […]

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MAR­CO FUSINA­TO: Mass Black Implosion

Look­ing at a​‘Mass Black Implo­sion’ draw­ing is like watch­ing the Mil­len­ni­um Fal­con leap […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesiti

9 Sep­tem­ber 2017 — March 2018 Con­tem­po­rary art gal­leries | Low­er Ground Free entry Angelica […]

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Susan Cohn: Artists own up to being bor­ing in a brave show of self-deprecation

Jew­eller Susan Cohn decid­ed to have some fun with her crit­ics. Susan Cohn leans in […]

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Jen­ny Wat­son’s The Fab­ric of Fantasy’

At her best, Jen­ny Wat­son is less a painter of things than a gen­er­a­tor of energy […]

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Jen­ny Wat­son, The Fab­ric of Fantasy

JEN­NY WAT­SON: THE FAB­RIC OF FAN­TA­SY5 July — 2 Octo­ber 2017 Jen­ny Wat­son is a lead­ing Aus­tralian artist […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti, Tossed by Waves

Aus­tralian artist Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti remem­bers the chaos in the imme­di­ate after­math of the Charlie […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti: mes­sage received at Anna Schwartz and Art­space galleries

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the foun­da­tion of social life, in ani­mals as in humans, and indeed […]

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The Nation­al: New Aus­tralian Art

It’s been near­ly twen­ty years since Syd­ney host­ed a sub­stan­tial sur­vey exhi­bi­tion of con­tem­po­rary Australian […]

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Artist Emi­ly Floyd and her Ice­landic Puffins

They start like this,” the artist Emi­ly Floyd says, hold­ing the wood­en body of […]

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Futur­ist Daniel Crooks

In a sub­ur­ban back gar­den burst­ing with nas­tur­tiums, kale, toma­toes and sweet herbs there is […]

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Chi­haru Shio­ta sus­pends a fleet of woven white boats inside Paris’ Le Bön Marché

inside the his­toric le bon marché depart­ment store in paris, japan­ese artist chi­haru shiota […]

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Japan­ese artist Chi­haru Shio­ta plucks the strands of our most dis­tant memories

Chi­haru Shiota’s Absent Bod­ies is like an enor­mous, red web left by what must […]

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Chi­haru Shio­ta : Absent Bodies

There have been a hand­ful of occa­sions in my life when I have stood before a work […]

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Jes­si­ca Rankin Field Of Mars in Harper’s Bazaar’s The Must-See Exhi­bi­tions Of 2016’ list

The major solo exhi­bi­tion by New York based artist Jes­si­ca Rankin is mak­ing its […]

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