
New gallery hours

In sup­port of our artists and the wider com­mu­ni­tyAnna Schwartz Gallery is com­mit­ted to […]

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True colours: All Auras Touch’ at Carriageworks

Work mat­ters in artist Kate Mitchell’s explo­ration of the fun­da­men­tal con­nec­tions between peo­ple I’m going […]

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Emi­ly Floyd: Man­grove Poem

A new pub­lic work for Man­grove Walk, Queen’s Wharf, Bris­bane Emi­ly Floy­d’s Man­grove Poem (2018) […]

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New York’s Asia Soci­ety announces par­tic­i­pants in its inau­gur­al triennial

Works by 40 artists and col­lec­tives will go on view in June, includ­ing Daniel Crooks […]

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Su San Cohn elect­ed Hon­orary Fel­low’ to the Aus­tralian Acad­e­my of the Humanities

Su San Cohn has been elect­ed to the Aus­tralian Acad­e­my of the Human­i­ties as […]

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Stephen Bram: Abstract Painting

Gee­long Art Gallery 23 Novem­ber 201923 Feb­ru­ary 2020 Stephen Bram began exhibit­ing his work […]

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The Eter­nal Open­ing: Mike Parr

I am fas­ci­nat­ed by dualisms, mir­ror images, blind­ness and invis­i­bil­i­ty, subject/​object rever­sals, the roles […]

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Announced: Aus­trali­a’s artis­tic team for 2021 Venice Biennale

As Com­mis­sion­er for Aus­tralia, the Aus­tralia Coun­cil is pleased to announce Mar­co Fusina­to and […]

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Mike Parr: The Eter­nal Opening

With one gallery exhib­it­ed inside anoth­er, Aus­tralian artist Mike Parr stages The Eter­nal Opening […]

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Lau­ren Brin­cat: Oth­er Tempo

Oth­er Tem­po is a live sculp­ture. A coloured score drapes, dances and reveals an assembly […]

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Pacif­ic Under­tow, Shaun Gladwell

Awash in a sea of teal, Shaun Glad­well is cap­tured clutch­ing his surf­board, as his […]

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Talla­wong’s plant library brings north­west­ern neigh­bours together

Grow­ing up in Fair­field, artist Lau­ren Brincat’s Egypt­ian grand­par­ents had a back­yard veg­etable patch, not […]

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Alive with mov­ing qualities

Skate­board­ing is a pecu­liar sub­cul­ture. Young boys and girls enjoy play­ing with skate­boards, like any […]

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David Noonan’s Ges­tures in Time

The artist’s solo show of tapes­tries at Anna Schwartz Gallery in Mel­bourne are invocations […]

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Artist David Noo­nan weaves ambi­gu­i­ty into his lat­est tapestries

Two pho­tographs sit above the desk in the Lon­don stu­dio where Aus­tralian artist David […]

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Major pub­lic art­work to light up Gee­long Per­form­ing Arts Centre

Gee­long Per­form­ing Arts Centre’s new Ryrie Street build­ing will be bathed in ever-chang­ing coloured […]

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Shaun Glad­well review: video-artist pio­neer per­forms vir­tu­al hang five

A surfer hangs upside down on his board, beneath the waves. Pro­tag­o­nist and image […]

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Emi­ly Floyd, Open Space’

Fol­low­ing an inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion, Aus­tralian artist Emi­ly Floyd has been award­ed a major sculp­tur­al installation […]

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Daniel von Sturmer

The two cur­rent exhi­bi­tions from Mel­bourne-based Daniel von Sturmer at Anna Schwartz Gallery are […]

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Angela de la Cruz: Home­less’

From Octo­ber 25, 2018 to Jan­u­ary 20, 2019 Azku­na Zen­troa presents the exhi­bi­tion​‘Home­less’ […]

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A shift­ing of the senses

When Mike Parr was buried in a steel box under­neath a busy Hobart street for three […]

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French artist Daniel Buren brings Like Child’s Play’ to Carriageworks

French artist Daniel Buren brings​‘Like Child’s Play’ to Car­riage­works Like Child’s Play is […]

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Com­mon thread: Chi­haru Shiota’s instal­la­tion art exam­ines life’s big ques­tions. As such, she’s not expect­ing any answers soon.

Call­ing artists​“inter­na­tion­al” in our glob­alised art world has become a mar­ket­ing cliché, but Chiharu […]

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Buried alive: Per­for­mance artist Mike Parr begins 72-hour entombment

For a man about to be buried alive, Mike Parr made lit­tle fuss. To the […]

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