
High Street (After Ruscha) rumi­nates on mem­o­ry, com­mu­ni­ty and culture

Daniel Crooks’ High Street (After Ruscha) is eas­i­ly described yet by no means simple […]

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Hard Feel­ings’ at the Hon­ey­moon Suite

When The Hon­ey­moon Suite opened in 2016, it was with Rose Coloured Glass, an […]

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Can­dice Bre­itz: The Medi­um is the Message

For the acclaimed South African artist Can­dice Bre­itz, truth lives in the places where […]

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Stieg with It

As he worked with cura­tors to set the para­me­ters for his new sur­vey exhibition […]

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Stieg Pers­son Poly­phon­ic at The Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art

This exhi­bi­tion, cur­rent­ly show­ing at the Ian Pot­ter Gallery, is tes­ta­ment to an artist […]

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In the Gal­leries: Five Shows to See in May

Black Riv­er Run­ning by Jan Nel­son Jan Nel­son grew up in the cul­tur­al tumult of […]

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Per­fect Illusion

When peo­ple look at my work they think they’re so real, they’re por­traits of […]

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Ques­tion­ing taste and privilege

Stieg Pers­son reflects on his chang­ing approach­es in this mid-career sur­vey of his work. In […]

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Art that’s on song

Oliv­er Beer non­cha­lant­ly leans into the cor­ner of the art gallery and sings. Adjusting […]

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Botan­i­ca: view art as nature intended

Bris­bane City Coun­cil has pro­duced a show­case of con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralian art in Brisbane’s City Botanic […]

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In The Finan­cial Times, 24 March 2018: Syd­ney har­bours a trea­sury of art’

[Excerpt] The 21st Syd­ney Bien­nale […] brings togeth­er 70 artists from 35 coun­tries in […]

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The NGV Triennial

A new exhi­bi­tion series’ first instal­ment deliv­ers a heady mix of pop­ulism and pol­i­tics Right now […]

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The Aus­tralia Coun­cil is delight­ed to announce that Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti and Juliana Eng­berg have […]

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Tak­ing a bat to Mar­co Fusina­to’s sound-struck installation

Con­tem­po­rary artist and exper­i­men­tal​“noise musi­cian”, Mar­co Fusina­to, has wit­nessed some scary audi­ence reactions […]

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Can­dice Bre­itz: Video storyteller

Bob Mar­ley. Sarah Ezzat Mar­di­ni. Michael Jack­son. José Maria João. Madon­na. Mamy Mal­o­ba Langa […]

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Come face to face with Leonard Cohen in I’m Your Man’

Video artist Can­dice Breitz’s work is incred­i­bly inti­mate. Walk into Melbourne’s Anna Schwartz gallery from […]

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The Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, think­ing ahead

Excerpt: The NGV Tri­en­ni­al, which opened at the Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria on Friday […]

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Artists rename NGV Tri­en­ni­al works to protest gallery’s Wil­son Secu­ri­ty contract

As the Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria unveiled its first Tri­en­ni­al of con­tem­po­rary art to […]

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Video artist Can­dice Breitz

On the eve of the NGV Tri­en­ni­al, artist Can­dice Bre­itz turned a work about refugees […]

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Artists Protest Aus­tralian Museum’s Deal with Secu­ri­ty Firm that Alleged­ly Abused Asylum-Seekers

Can­dice Bre­itz reti­tled one of her pieces​“Wil­son Must Go” in protest of the […]

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The Con­ver­sa­tion Hour: Artist Can­dice Bre­itz renames NGV exhib­it Wil­son Must Go’

Steve Mar­tin is fill­ing in for Jon Faine. His co-host is Dr Helen Szoke […]

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How We Speak

ANGEL­I­CA MESI­TI’s films explore the myr­i­ad ways human com­mu­ni­cate There is more to language […]

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Can­dice Bre­itz renames video instal­la­tion at Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ri­a’s Tri­en­ni­al to protest against Australia’s treat­ment of refugees

South African artist is cam­paign­ing against gallery’s con­tract with Wil­son Secu­ri­ty and its involvement […]

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Artist Can­dice Bre­itz Has Found a Cre­ative Way to Protest a Museum’s Link to Refugee Prison Camps

When South African artist Can­dice Breitz‘s work Love Sto­ry goes on view at the […]

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