

New Aus­tralian Print­mak­ing launch­es ground­break­ing new work cre­at­ed by Shaun Glad­well, Megan Cope, Tim […]

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PHO­TO 2022 and Anna Schwartz Gallery will present Meth Kel­ly by War­wick Thorn­ton for […]

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Rose Nolan Big Words (Not Mine) – Tran­scend the pover­ty of par­tial vision (floor version) […]

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Lau­ren Brin­cat: Con­ver­sa­tions on Shad­ow Architecture’

Lau­ren Brin­cat is includ­ed in Con­ver­sa­tions on Shad­ow Archi­tec­ture, a project curat­ed by Ineke Dane […]

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Shaun Glad­well: 2022 Ade­laide Bien­ni­al of Aus­tralian Art: Free/​State

Shaun Glad­well has been select­ed along with 25 lead­ing Aus­tralian con­tem­po­rary artists to participate […]

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Cal­lum Mor­ton & Mar­co Fusina­to: All That Was Sol­id Melts’ at Auck­land Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki

All That Was Sol­id Melts takes us on a jour­ney from iso­la­tion through the multiple […]

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Daniel Von Sturmer: Time in Mate­r­i­al (RGB)’ at The Cen­tre for Pro­jec­tion Art, Colling­wood Yards

Daniel Von Sturmer’s sin­gle chan­nel video work Time in Mate­r­i­al (RGB), 2019 is presented […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti: Choose Hap­pi­ness’ Mur­ray Art Muse­um Albury

Hap­pi­ness is by its very nature ephemer­al. Some­times it is a state that we might […]

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GABRIEL­LA MANGANO & SIL­VANA MANGANO: The Oth­er Por­trait, curat­ed by Julie Rrap and Cher­ine Fahd at SCA Gallery

The Oth­er Por­trait brings togeth­er work by artists who have an estab­lished rela­tion­ship to […]

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David Noo­nan: Stage­craft’ cat­a­logue wins MAP­DA 2021 award for Best Small Exhi­bi­tion Catalogue

David Noo­nan: Stage­craft, designed by Ben Cox and pub­lished on the occa­sion of the […]

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Daniel Crooks and Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti: A Sto­ry for the Future’ MAXXI’s First Decade, Fon­dazione MAXXI, Rome, Italy

On the occa­sion of its tenth anniver­sary, MAXXI presents an exhi­bi­tion that has been […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti: The Musi­cal Brain’ The High Line, New York

Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti is one of four artists includ­ed in The Musi­cal Brain, a video exhibition […]

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Emi­ly Floyd: Edu­ca­tion: Alter­na­tives and the Academy

Edu­ca­tion: Alter­na­tives and The Acad­e­mySpeak­ers: Emi­ly Floyd and Gridthiya Gawee­wong Edu­ca­tion: Alter­na­tives and The Academy […]

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Mar­co Fusina­to: Ter­mi­nal Gui­tar’, Dark Mofo

Ter­mi­nal Gui­tar, Dark Mofo 2021 Mar­co Fusina­to + Mys­tic Eyes (Lisa MacK­in­ney) + Bruce Russell […]

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In the lead up to the 2021 Fre­man­tle Bien­nale, Amri­ta Hepi launched an international […]

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John Nixon, Stephen Bram & Rose Nolan, Cook­ing with John’ curat­ed by Amalia Lin­do & Jacque­line Stojanović

Hay­dens, Mel­bourne 10 — 12 More­land Road Brunswick East, 3057 Exhi­bi­tion open­ing: 22 May from 6 – […]

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Emi­ly Floyd, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Su san Cohn, We Change the World’ The Ian Pot­ter Cen­tre: NGV Aus­tralia, Lev­el 3

Works by Emi­ly Floyd, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Su san Cohn will be on dis­play as […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti: Borås Art Biennial

Deep lis­ten­ing for long­ingBorås Art Bien­ni­al 2021May 29 – Sep­tem­ber 262021 The 2021 edition […]

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Emi­ly Floyd, OPEN SPACE!’, George Street, Sydney

A large scale new pub­lic art­work by Emi­ly Floyd has been unveiled in Sydney’s […]

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John Nixon: profile

Iter­a­tions: John Nixon Not far from where St Kil­da beach forms a firm line against the […]

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Lau­ren Brin­cat, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Daniel Crooks, Tar­raWar­ra Bien­ni­al 2021: Slow Mov­ing Waters’

Lau­ren Brin­cat, Louisa Bufarde­ci & Daniel Crooks have each been com­mis­sioned to cre­ate new work […]

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DIS­CUS­SION: Shaun Glad­well & Dr. Sean Lowry

Dr Sean Lowry, Head of Crit­i­cal and The­o­ret­i­cal Stud­ies, Vic­to­ri­an Col­lege of the Arts […]

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Three exhi­bi­tions to see in New York this weekend

Daniel Crooks: the Sub­tle Knife­Un­til 31 Jan­u­ary in Times Square, Man­hat­tan As the resid­ual dystopia […]

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More Than 40 Inter­na­tion­al Gal­leries Are Col­lab­o­rat­ing on a New Auc­tion-Style Sales Plat­form Cham­pi­oning Art From the Glob­al South

Dozens of gal­leries have come togeth­er to take part in an inno­v­a­tive sale and […]

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