
New gallery plat­form South South launch­es to pro­mote art from out­side the dom­i­nant US-Europe axis

We talk a lot, in the US-Euro­­pean focused art world, about increas­ing the promi­nence of […]

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Daniel Crooks: Asia Soci­ety Tri­en­ni­al, New York

The inau­gur­al Asia Soci­ety Tri­en­ni­al opens today 27 Octo­ber, 2020 in New York City, and […]

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John Nixon Test­ed the Vital­i­ty of Geo­met­ric Abstraction

“… Nixon was not only an artist but a cura­tor, musi­cian, gal­lerist, small-press pub­lish­er and […]

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Lau­ren Brin­cat: Wool­lahra Small Sculp­ture Prize

The 20th annu­al Wool­lahra Small Sculp­ture Prize exhi­bi­tion, includ­ing Lau­ren Brin­cat, will be presented […]

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Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti, Busan Bien­nale 2020: Words at an Exhibition

Words at an Exhi­bi­tion – an exhi­bi­tion in ten chap­ters and five poems Busan Biennale […]

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Pre­car­i­ous Move­ments: Chore­og­ra­phy and the Muse­um. Ses­sion 2. Square Peg: Rethink­ing and Recon­fig­ur­ing the Muse­um Collection

Pre­car­i­ous Move­ments: Con­ver­sa­tions is a three-part pro­gram of live talks with artists, cura­tors and conservators […]

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The Joy of the Gestalt: John Nixon 1949 – 2020

Before I met John Nixon I had already seen John Nixon. John was the sub­ject of […]

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New Wages For Stu­dents: A poster after Lot­ta Feminista

The poster over­lays two archival vec­tors, the cov­er design for Car­la Lonzi’s 1975​“Die […]

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JOHN NIXON (1949 – 2020)

WHENLIVED in cul­tur­al­ly and polit­i­cal­ly con­ser­v­a­tive Bris­bane in the late​’70s and early […]

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Ker­rie Poli­ness: recip­i­ent of McClel­land Nation­al Small Sculp­ture Award

Ker­rie Poli­ness is one of four recip­i­ents of the Nation­al Small Sculp­ture Award 202 […]

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Kate Mitchell: The Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Deck

Hyper-linked is an exhi­bi­tion for the dig­i­tal realm, pre­sent­ing new projects by sev­en contemporary […]

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Open­ing hours update

Due to the COVID-19 relat­ed gov­ern­ment restric­tions, the gallery is cur­rent­ly closed to the public […]

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When life imi­tates art: a cau­tion­ary tale

When Mikala Dwyer pro­posed her instal­la­tion for the 2020 Ade­laide Bien­ni­al of Aus­tralian Art […]

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New gallery hours

Thurs­day – Fri­day by appoint­ment Sat­ur­day 1 – 5 mail@​annaschwartzgallery.​com […]

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Peter Tyn­dall: bLogos/​HA HA

Now that it seems to be end­ing, what has this peri­od of enforced online […]

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John Nixon: Groups + Pairs 2016 – 2020

John Nixon: Groups + Pairs 20162020 opened only a cou­ple of days prior […]

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She Per­sists: Emi­ly Floyd

She Per­sists is a hard­copy book and an online hub of 34 essays and podcasts […]

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Cre­ative Cos­mos: Mar­co Fusina­to in con­ver­sa­tion with Melis­sa Keys

MK: As an artist and musi­cian, you have rela­tion­ships with audi­ences. What dri­ves you […]

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The Mod­el has cre­at­ed a dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence of The Sea Around Us while the exhi­bi­tion is closed to the public

The Sea Around Us John Akom­frah (GH/GB), Foren­sic Oceanog­ra­phy and Foren­sic Archi­tec­ture (GB), Shaun Gladwell […]

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David Noo­nan: Stagecraft

In in-depth dis­cus­sion with David Noo­nan while the exhi­bi­tion is in hiber­na­tion. You were […]

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Gallery recess

The gallery is closed to the pub­lic until such time as is safe to open […]

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New gallery hours

In sup­port of our artists and the wider com­mu­ni­tyAnna Schwartz Gallery is com­mit­ted to […]

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True colours: All Auras Touch’ at Carriageworks

Work mat­ters in artist Kate Mitchell’s explo­ration of the fun­da­men­tal con­nec­tions between peo­ple I’m going […]

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Emi­ly Floyd: Man­grove Poem

A new pub­lic work for Man­grove Walk, Queen’s Wharf, Bris­bane Emi­ly Floy­d’s Man­grove Poem (2018) […]

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