Jen­ny Watson

Available Works

Jen­ny Watson

Par­ty girl with a pink pom pom, 2024
oil stick, acrylic, found pom pom on Dis­ney cot­ton fab­ric with red vel­vet rib­bon frame” over Ital­ian back­ing fabric
132.590.50.7 cm
Pho­to: Christop­er Capurro

Jen­ny Watson

Cor­ner of Broad­way and Prince Street New York 1991, 2022
Acrylic and Japan­ese pig­ment on rab­bit skin glue primed Bel­gian linen with fab­ric collage
216cm x 156cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

Jen­ny Watson

The First Rid­ing Lesson, 2021
acrylic and ges­so on rab­bit skin glue primed Bel­gian linen
183274 cm

Jen­ny Watson

A Horse in Chocolate, 2020
oil, acrylic, pig­ment and col­lage on rab­bit skin glue-primed on Bel­gian linen
210182 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Feed, 2019
acrylic on Ital­ian damask
140107 cm

Jen­ny Watson

A School Girl from the Back, 2019
acrylic on vin­tage French Chintz and French Dis­ney jig­saw puzzle
paint­ing: 15194 cm jig­saw box: 3.515.210 cm

Jen­ny Watson

White Mis­chief, 2019
acrylic on Ital­ian damask and cut­ting col­laged to Japan­ese ply­wood support
paint­ing: 153105.5 cm object: 14142 cm

Jen­ny Watson

White Cat, 2017
il and acrylic on red vel­vet; acrylic on pan­el text
image: 14490 cm text: 2114.8 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Moon, Sophie + Me, 2013
acrylic, oil, oil­stick, pig­ment, pom poms on Japan­ese ges­so-primed Bel­gian linen
293124 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Me in short dress, 2012
syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint on rab­bit skin glue primed cotton
22080 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Mum in dress­ing gown, 2012
syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint on rab­bit skin glue primed cotton
12880 cm

Jen­ny Watson

I will not say that I will drink that water #2 + text (labels), 1996
two pan­els: text: acrylic on gold syn­thet­ic; image: oil on doona fabric

Jen­ny Watson

Wild, White Horse, 1993
oil and acrylic on Chi­nese vel­vet with white horse tail
image: 152107 cm; text: 2015 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Self Por­trait, horse, Land­scape + Sothe­by’s Def­i­n­i­tion 6,, 1989 – 90
oil on canvas
image pan­el: 183122 cm; text pan­el: 7651 cm

Jen­ny Watson

Jen­ny Wat­son, The Dis­en­chant­ed House, 1988
oil, acrylic, dress fab­ric on linen
12292 cm

Jen­ny Watson

The Crimean Wars: The Stage at the Crys­tal Ballroom, 1986
oil, pig­ment, mixed media on cotton
244176 cm

Jen­ny Watson

The Executioner’s Song, 1984
biro on paper
28.523cm (unframed); 4739.5cm (framed)

Jen­ny Watson

The Wis­dom of Gary Gilmore, 1984
ink on paper
2330.5cm (unframed); 3946cm (framed)