John Nixon

Available Works

John Nixon

Unti­tled (White Cross), c 1985
Enam­el paint on chipboard
6145.5 cm

John Nixon

Unti­tled (White Mono­chrome with Eggshell), c 1985
Paint and eggshells on board
91.561 cm

John Nixon

Yel­low Mono­chrome (Japan), 2016
Enam­el on can­vas with woven screen and bam­boo frame
4130.53.5 cm

John Nixon

Yel­low Mono­chrome (Japan), 2016
Enam­el on can­vas with nine pieces of bamboo
4130.54.5 cm

John Nixon

Yel­low Mono­chrome (Japan), 2015
enam­el on can­vas with once piece of bamboo
40314.5 cm

John Nixon

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on two canvases

John Nixon

Unti­tled (White Monochrome), 2014
Enam­el paint, wood and ceram­ic tiles on canvas

John Nixon

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on three canvases

John Nixon

Unti­tled (White Mono­chrome with Spoon), 2014
Enam­el paint on two can­vas­es with spoon and wood
64456 cm

John Nixon

Unti­tled (White Mono­chrome with Pic­ture Frame), 2014
Paint on can­vas, wood, wood frame

John Nixon

Unti­tled, 2014
enam­el on MDF
7675 cm

John Nixon

Sil­ver Monochrome, 2010
enam­el on bark on canvas

John Nixon

Sil­ver Monochrome, 2010
enam­el on can­vas and wood

John Nixon

Sil­ver Monochrome, 2010
enam­el on can­vas and wood

John Nixon

John Nixon, Unti­tled (Red Mono­chrome with Cof­fee Pot, 1995
enam­el paint on wood, cof­fee pot, wood­en shelf
576212 cm
Pho­to: Chris­t­ian Capurro

John Nixon

Self Por­trait, Non-Objec­tive Com­po­si­tion (Night), 1987
enam­el and eggshell on Masonite
91.561 cm

John Nixon

Unti­tled (Star­ry Night), 1986
eggshell and enam­el on plywood
5140.5 cm

John Nixon

Unti­tled (White Monochrome), Enam­el on Masonite with bot­tle tops and coins
6161 cm