Cal­lum Morton

30th June – 30th July 2009
Fundament Foundation, Tilburg

Grot­to is a pavil­ion for De Oude Warande in Tilburg, Nether­lands. It is a baroque fol­ly, a screen, a cave, a grave and a func­tion­al pavil­ion. Sit­u­at­ed in the heart of a baroque wood­land, it acts as a meet­ing place and café. It is con­struct­ed of a steel struc­ture with black mir­ror pan­els and poly­styrene con­crete ren­dered rock. At night the black mir­ror glass that dis­ap­pears against the wood­land dur­ing the day, falls away to reveal the out­side of the grotto’s brain’.

Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands


Cal­lum Morton

Grot­to, 2009
steel, polyurethane, con­crete, plas­ter, fibre­glass, glass, vinyl, wood, syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint, light and sound
Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Cal­lum Morton

Grot­to, 2009
steel, polyurethane, con­crete, plas­ter, fibre­glass, glass, vinyl, wood, syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint, light and sound
Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Cal­lum Morton

Grot­to, 2009
steel, polyurethane, con­crete, plas­ter, fibre­glass, glass, vinyl, wood, syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint, light and sound
Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Cal­lum Morton

Grot­to, 2009
steel, polyurethane, con­crete, plas­ter, fibre­glass, glass, vinyl, wood, syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint, light and sound
Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Cal­lum Morton

Grot­to, 2009
steel, polyurethane, con­crete, plas­ter, fibre­glass, glass, vinyl, wood, syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint, light and sound
Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Cal­lum Morton

Grot­to, 2009
steel, polyurethane, con­crete, plas­ter, fibre­glass, glass, vinyl, wood, syn­thet­ic poly­mer paint, light and sound
Com­mis­sioned by Fun­da­ment Foun­da­tion, Tilburg, The Netherlands